Human Rights Flashcards
What do Christian’s believe about the dignity of life
-all humans are created in the image of God
-Jesus showed in his teachings that all life should be valued and respected
-every person is of worth
what do Muslim’s believe about the dignity of life
-the Qur’an refers to the uniqueness of every individual
-Allah created all life so it should be treated with respect
-importance of the Ummah (worldwide community of Muslims)
what do Christian’s practice to promote human rights
agape, helping at Salvation army hospitals; working in church food banks; volunteering
what do Muslim’s practice to promote human rights
promotes a welfare of the Muslim community
e.g paying of Zakah and Sadaqah to help the poor
volunteering for charities
what do christians believa bout prejudice and discrimination
-they’re unacceptable
-god created all human’s as equal
-10 commandments give guidance on living in harmony with others
-jesus did not discriminate against women, however women still aren’t allowed to be priests in Catholic and Orthodox groups
what do Muslim’s believe about prejudice and discrimination
-all people are equal although they’re not the same
-the Ummah crosses all national, cultural, political, racial and language boundaries
-the act of prayer stresses the importance of equality
-muhammad selected a black slave as the first Muezzin
what do Christian’s believe about the acquisition of wealth
-spiritual values are the most important
-a person’s value should be based on their actions, not their posessions
-many christians oppose gambling
-giving to charity is an important part of their faith
-parable of the rich man and lazarus
-rich man who never gave went to hell, poor man who never asked went to heaven
what do Muslim’s believe about the acquisition of wealth
-all wealth is a gift from Allah
-not wrong to be wealthy - the more wealthy you are : the more generous you should be
-wealth should not be used to harm others
-they give zakah (2.5%) of their yearly earnings
-Khums (shi’a) (20% of savingspaid to muslim scholars and teachers of the community
-sadaqah - an optional give of money out of their own goodness
-zakat-ul-fitr donation at the end of Ramadan so the poor can eat a meal on Eid