Good and Evil Flashcards
what does utilitarianism mean
the belief that a good act is one that brings the greatest good for the greatest number
what did Volitaire state
“it is better to risk saving a guilty person than condemn an innocent one”
what was volitaire
a Deist
what is restorative justice
justice that enables the criminals to make amends for their behaviour by meeting the victim and apologising
what is justice
fairness ; where everyone has equal provisions and opportunity
what do christians believe about JUSTICE
-they’re a religion of forgiveness
-don’t support the ideas of retribution as a punishment
- believe in restorative justice
- should follow Jesus who forgave those who betrayed him
what do Muslims believe about JUSTICE
- punishment is seen as central to justice and keeps people from straying from what is Just
- believe in the shari’ah law which means ‘straight path’
- shari’ah is used to deter and protect
- they hope offenders will repent, reform and seek forgiveness
- believe in forgiveness but it is more important to protect society
what is a prison chaplain
a person whose role it is to meet the religious needs of a prisoner
what is a parole officer
helps prisoners on their release and their return to society
what is a prison chaplains job
- introduce themselves to new prisoners - induction programme
- deal with major events in the prisoners life
- make sure they’re available at lunch times so prisoners can go to them if needed
what are some arguments FOR the death penalty
- life terms are expensive (£40,000 a year)
- only way to protect society
- life sentences only amount to 15 years in Britain
- only way victims can get closure
what are some arguments AGAINST the death penalty
- innocent people being executed
- only God has the right to end a life
- doesn’t deter murders
- 2 wrongs don’t make a right
- forgiveness is important
- death penalty is just a state sanctioned murder
what do liberal christians believe about the death penalty
- only God has the right to take a life
- ‘thou shall not kill’
follow the teachings of Jesus to be compassionate and forgiving - ‘turn the other cheek’
what do conservative christians believe about the death penalty
- advocate it because of the teaching ‘an eye for an eye’
- believe ‘thou shall not kill’ shows murder is wrong and so, the death penalty should be carried out
what do Muslims believe about the death penalty
-you can forgive someone
- ‘an eye for an eye’
- you can get ‘blood money’ which repents for what the criminal did - worth half a million pounds or 100 camels
what is forgiveness
the act of pardoning a wrongdoing