Relationships Flashcards
Natural Selection?
- In Psychology, Natural Selection is the idea that Human Behaviour is driven by the need to Survive and Reproduce.
- Genes that give a Reproductive/Survival Advantage are more likely to be passed on, and other genes eliminated.
Inter Sexual Selection?
- Female reproductive Strategy.
- Involves Carefully picking a Mate with Attractive Features (Indicating good Genes).
- Females have a high Investment Cost (They aren’t Fertile as long as Males) so must pick well.
- Females are always sure the Child is theirs, so can afford to take time picking.
Intra Sexual Selection?
- Male reproductive Strategy.
- Idea that Males compete against each other to access a large quantity of Females.
- Males reproduce as much as possible due to lack of Parental Certainty and low Investment Costs.
Sexual Dimorphism?
- Sexual Dimorphism refers to the differences in Secondary Sexual Characteristics between Males and Females of the same species.
What does Evolutionary psychology suggest Females look for in Males?
- Qualities that will help raise a child to Adulthood
- E.g : Resources/money, Physical characteristics linked to dominance (Tall, V shaped chest)
What does Evolutionary psychology suggest Males look for in Females?
- Qualities that indicate health & fertility
- E.g : Large breasts, Young (facial features), Good waist to hip ratio.
Describe Buss’ Research on how Males & Females select Partners.
- 33 countries (no culture bias)
- 10,000 adults surveyed
- Found Males prioritised factors that indicated Reproductive Capacity (Chastity, Young, Good looks)
- Found Females prioritised factors that indicated Resources (Money, Ambition, Industriousness)
- This research supports the ideas of the Evolutionary Approach.
Describe Dunbar & Waynforth’s ‘Lonely Hearts’ study.
- Content Analysis of 900 Personal Dating Ads across 4 USA newspapers.
- Found 42% of Males looking for “Youthful” mates compared to 25% of Females.
- Men were more likely to emphasise their Economic Status.
- Females were more likely to emphasise their looks.
Self-Disclosure is when an individual reveals information about themselves to another person.
What does the Social Penetration Theory suggest?
Social Penetration Theory suggests that as the Relationship develops over time, the Breadth and Depth of communication increases from Shallow to more Intimate.
Who came up with the Social Penetration Theory?
Altman & Taylor.
What is Breadth (Social Penetration Theory) ?
- Breadth refers to the types of topics that can be discussed.
- (Some areas may not be appropriate until the Relationship develops further).
What is Depth (Social Penetration Theory) ?
Depth refers to the level of Information that is revealed, such as Emotionally Painful Information.
Reciprocity (Self-Disclosure) ?
Reciprocity refers to the idea that when an individual reveals Information about themselves, they expect the partner to return (Reciprocate) information back of the same level.
Attributions (Self-Disclosure) ?
- Attributions means the underlying motivations that cause an individual to Self-Disclose.
- Individuals that Disclose to anyone (for attention) are seen as less attractive.