Relationship Between Ownership And Control Of The Media And Globalisation Flashcards
What is the media
- Communication and technology e.g. phones, TV, Laptop
- Instiutuons and organisation e.g. BBC, Google
- Products made my institutions e.g. games, films
- State funded media e.g. BBC/ privately owned e.g. Sky, ITV
Define traditional media
Single mode of communication to address a mass audience e.g TV
Define new media
Multiple producers interacting with multiple readers (many > many)
Give stats on the power of the media
2014 study - 96% of ppl had a digital TV and 77% had internet broadband connection
What has Bauman found
During the last 30 years more info has been produced in the world during the past 5000 years
Give two laws that restrict medias freedoms
- 2010 equality act - forbid opinions that encourage hatred to ethnic or reigious groups
- Laws of libel - forbid publification of untrue statements
How has the IPSO helped regualte the leverson enquiry
IPSO regualte newspapers and magzines - maintain journalism standards set by editors to deal with accuracy, invasion of privacy and intrusion of grief
How do govt influence and control media output
- Electronic surveillance of emails, monitoring of webistes and intercepts of mobile calls
- off the record briefings which are reported in the form of “a source close to the govt said”
What does Badikian say about media owndership
- media owners are like lord of the global village they dominate through different meaures e.g.
1. Vertical (sky) and horizontal intergration
2. Diversification & conglomeration (virgin planes, tv, bank, webiste)
3. Synergy same product different forms (harry potter game, lego, books)
Define ideology
Set of ideas, values and beliefs that represent the outlookcand justfiies interests of a social group
What is the marxist opinion on media and ideology
Media acts as an ISA which induces false consciousness = lack of awareness of people interests and everyone benefits from the current organisation of society which is fair
What is the traditional marxist view of media
Owners - directly control media content & manipulate the audience
Media content - spread capitalist ideology of RC and managers and journalists are linited by what owners tell them what to do
Audience - passive and unquestionably swallow the readings fed to them. Those reading the sun have a reading age of 8
What does curran and Seaton suggest of media owners
Media owers interfere & manipulate content at the expense of journalists to protect their interests
E.g Murdoch - forced 175 worldwide newspapers to adopt his views on the iraq war
Give two criticisms of trad marxist theory
- Audiences are not that gullible - people can reject interpretations fed to them by the media
- Pluralist & neopheliacs - growth of citizen journalism gives power to ordinary people to share their interpretations on events
What is the neo marxist approach to media
Owners - don’t have direct control but some influence
Hegemony - acceptance of RC and other classes are persuaded to accept the beliefs and form a consensus that becomes oart of everyday common sense
What is the GMG
White, middle class journalists which give white centred view = limits views and opinions of media E.g. George Floyd death was less about the death and more about Looting
What can we conclude about this
Media content does spread the dominant ideology but it includes critical content which helps attracts an audience = makes money for owners and portrays there is unbiased nature in media
2 critisims of the hegemonic approach
- Agenda setting and gatekeeping mean audiences have little choice of media content
- Pluralists - the rise of new globalised digital media has put controls of media content into the hands of media users
What is the pluralist approach
Power in society is spread among interests of groups and individuals
Media owners - have no control and are driven by consumers and media needs to be responsive in order to survive
Media managers and journalists - as long as they attract audiences and make profit they have high independance
Audience - are active and new media allows anyone to share and publish their ideas
Give to critiques of the pluralist approach
- Journalists work on constraints placed on them by owners whilst having freedom
- Media owners appoint editors & top managers with similar outlook on the world which causes one message to come out
What is popular culture
produced for mass audience nd enjoyed in the masses e.g. mainstream TV, pop music etc.
What is high culture
associated with lasting artistic value seen as elite, special, respectable
e.g. classical music, museums, theatre trips
Who talks about the distinction between PC and HC
postmodernists = differences are weakening.
- original music can be accessed at home without visiting special institutions e.g. Beethoven can be listened on YT
Who expands on postmodernist view of changing distinctions
forms of HC are used in PC markets which now bring together art, classical music etc
-The internet (GOOGLE) helps ppl build their own private virtual museums & galleries
What is the Frankfurt school of thought
PC is a form of social control.
The content is escapist, unethical & dumbed down creating an unthinking audience
Who states that mass culture is repression
Mass culture undermines critical thought. Its all entertainment and repression as we re compelled to conform
Who rejects Marcuse’s view
There is no single mass culture people choose what to consume
Who found that Opera writers see their role as an educator
- Their stories include: homophobia, child abuse, rape, addiction etc.
- These controversies dominate red top tabloids promoting public discussion
what is global popular culture and what does it lead to
- Global culture = increasingly similar products and ways around the globe
This leads to cultural hemogenization = process where culture becomes ‘uniform’ alike