Rejection In Love Notes Flashcards
What are ‘Desinas’ and ‘Ducas’?
Commands in the subjunctive
What does ‘ducas’ mean in line two and four?
Line two- consider
Line 4- lead
What does ‘miser’ do at the beginning of the poem?
Means lovesick
Sets tone for the rest of the poem
How does he think back o better times?
‘Bright’ Suns reflects his sunny mood at the time
Give 2 examples of assonance. What is the effect?
Quondam Candidi
Quondam tibi
Reflects happiness of the time
How does ‘Ventitabas’ suggest a repeated action?
Repeated in the imperfect tense to suggest regular action
What does the idea of being ‘led’ show?
Follows her and Not in shame of being led
Happy she wants him too
What effect does repeating ‘amo’ in different forms have?
Emphasises his love
Keeps looking forward and back
Which sounds are repeated? What is the effect?
‘A’ at the end of words
Double ‘l’ sound including his name
In rough pairs gives extra rhythm
What tense does ‘Ibi’ suggest?
So back there
Past tense
Which phrase references to sexual intimacy?
Illa multa iocosa
Those many pleasant things
‘Nolo’ and ‘volo’ describes what? What is Catullus aware of?
Catullus’ and the girl’s attitudes
Catullus is aware of the relationship imbalance even when it was good
How does line 8 show reminiscence?
Almost identical to line 3
What does the repetition of ‘now’ throughout show? What else does this?
Reinforces timeframe from past to present
Verbs ‘Nolo’ and ‘volo’ different to ‘did not want’
What do lines 5,7,9 end in? What is the effect?
Tone of unhappiness
What does the repetition of ‘nec’ suggest?
Anaphoric to show desperation and determination
What changes in terms of hi following her?
Now something to be avoided
She ‘flees’ him
What is asyndeton? What is the effect?
Two imperatives with no ‘and’ in between
Adds force and repeats idea of him having a firm mind, being firm and being firm (obdura) repeated in line 12
How does his attitude change with ‘iam’
He was angry but now he is defiant
How does he show he is becoming more confident?
Uses the future tense
What is the difference in feelings between the two ‘at tu’
Confident girl will be sad without him
Directed at him in the end so shows weakness
What could be the change in translation of ‘scelesta’
From wicked to poor fool
How many rhetorical questions are at the end?
How is symmetry created in the rhetorical questions?
Begin with ‘q’ words and end in ‘c’ words
What does the kissing and biting lips suggest?
Own ended relationship
Intimate memories that weaken to resolve
How is this poem framed?
Returns to present tense at end
Starts and ends with instructions to ‘catulle’
Forced to repeat earlier instructions
What is the context of this poem?
He struggles with his own mind with the idea that his affair with lesbia is over
What are the persons shown in this poem?
Addresses himself in the second person before addressing the girl in he second person and then going back to himself in the last line
What does the repetition of vocabulary show?
The poem is carefully structured
He is in more control of his emotions than the persona portrayed of him
What are the themes shown?
His general weakness - keeps scolding himself
Lack of conviction- when criticising lesbia it makes him feel worse
Deliberate use of words and sounds for rhythm, effect and balance
Why are the verbs balanced?
10 'tu' words 5 for lesbia 5 for Catullus He is not over her Supposed to be written to himself but is actually written to her
What’s with the ‘q’ words? Wha is the effect?
7 ‘q’ words in the first ten lines
Then 7 ‘qui’ words in lines 15-18 in succession
Adds intensity to the finish