GIVES guidance on the circumstances in which authorisation is required or exempt status is available
Issued under SECTION 165 of FSMA. It represents the views of the FCA and the PRA and does not bind the courts. It will not bind the courts in an action for damages brought by a private pension for breach of a rule
Although the guidance does not bind the courts, it may be of persuasive effect for a court considering whether it is just and equitable to allow a contract to be enforced.
Published in 2022
Key highlights from the report
- steps taken to reduce harm, monitor and assess the potential for harm
- where they can consider that harm can occur such as new products/services
- powers to act against unregulated activities - some powers of the FCA firms undertaking unregulated activities
- looking at specific activities such as Appointed representatives and FCA Policy statement and final rules published
- Unregulated collective investment schemes
- mass marketing of high risk investments to retail customers
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 introduced people to protect people from retaliation
In 2016 firms must establish and maintain appropriate and effective arrangements
What are the new rules on whistleblowing from 2016
firms must
- be able to handle disclosures of reportable concerns
- ensure the effective assessment and escalate reportable concerns by whistleblowers where appropriate
- include reasonable measures to ensure that if a reportable concern is made by a whistleblower
- provide feedback to a whistleblower about a reportable concern made to the firm by that whistleblower
- including preparation and maintenance of appropriate records and up to date written procedures
- include training for
1. UK based employees
2. managers of UK based overseas firms
3. employees responsible for operating the firm’s internal arrangements
Outline the whistleblower champion
certain firms are required to appoint a whistleblower champion
firms must allocate the responsibility for ensuring and overseeing the integrity and independence of a firm’s policies and procedures on whistleblowing
the whistleblowing champion must have a level of authority and independence within the firm and access to resources and information sufficient to carry out the responsibility
The government’s 2023 review of the whistleblowing regime
how has the regime facilitated disclosures?
how has the regime protected workers?
is information available and accessible for workers, employers, prescribed persons and others?
what have been the wider benefits and impacts of the whistleblowing framework?
what does best practice look like for whistleblowers?
2022 Bill for the protection of whistleblowers
it was tabled in the HoL and needs to be put through the HoC
- expansion on what classifies a protected disclosure
- expansion on the definition of whistleblower to include non-employees
- creation of the office of the whistleblower to act as an independent body to oversee processes and guidance/having enforcement powers
- potential for substantial civil penalties such as a company facing a fine for failing to comply with obligations
- Introduction of new criminal offences such as ‘subjecting a whistleblower to detriment’