Regulations Flashcards
What is an Adminitrator?
The Federal Aviation Administrator OR any person to whom he has delegated his authority in the matter concerned.
Heavy Aircraft Class
Aircraft with a takeoff certificate limit
> 300,000 lbs
Large Aircraft Class
Aircraft with a takeoff certificate limit
> 12,500 lbs.
Indicated Airspeed
Indicated Airspeed Definition
is read directly from airspeed indicator
Calibrated Airspeed
Calibrated Airpspeed definition
is indicated airspeed corrected for instrument and position error
Equivalent Airspeed
Equivalent Airspeed definition
calibrated airspeed corrected for compressibility
True Airspeed
True Airspeed Definition
is equivalent airspeed corrected for non-standard temperature and pressure
Alternate Airport (A) definition
an airport at which an aircraft may land if a landing at the intended airport becomes inadvisable
Aeronautical Radio
Crewmember definition
a person assigned to preform in an aircraft during flight time
Crosswind Component definition
the wind component measured in knots at 90° to the longitudinal axis of the runway
Extended Operations
Extended Operations definition fix lter
an flight operation, other than all cargo, in a airplane with more that two engines fox
Extended over water operation
non-helicopter, an operation over water at a horizontal distance of more that 50 nm from rhe nearest shoreline
Flight recorder
can make records of:
vertical acceleration engine RPM
maniforld pressure
and other flight conditions
Mach Number
the ratio of true airspeed to the speed of sound
time between the end of evening CIVIL twilight and the beginning morning CIVIL twilight, converted to local time
Operational control
the exercise of authority over initiating, conducting, or terminating a flight
Refueling Airport
Refueling Airport definition
an airport dispatched to/from when operation may require refueling.
What happens if a refueling airport is filed as an alternate?
payload may not be added or removed
What is a Turbojet Aircraft
an aircract having a jet engine in which the energy of the jet operates a turbine which in turn operates the air compressor
What is an Turboprop Aircraft?
an aircraft having a jet engine in which the energy of the jet operates a turbune which drives a propeller
Part 1 title
Definitions and Abbreviations
Part 65 Subpart C § 65.51
Aircraft Dispatchers Certificate Required
what do you need to bring to work everyday as a dispatcher?
aircraft dispatcher certificate
Part 91 title
General Operating and Flight Rules
when can a pilot deviate from any rules or regs?
in flight emergency requiring immediate action to meet that emergency
Aircraft speed limits
below 10,000’ MSL and indicated airspeed >250kts
Standard IFR Alt Mins Precision Approach
Standard IFR Alt Mins Nonprecision Approach
C= 800’
V= 2sm
No person may operate an aircraft in a controlled airspace under IFR unless that person has:
-filed an IFR flight plan
-received an appropriate ATC clearance
Domestic Operations Airplanes
more than 9 pax seats
payload capacity more than 7500lbs
Provisional Airport (P)
airport approved bt rhe Administator for use by a certificate holder for the purpose of providing a service to a community when the regular airport used by certificate holder is not available
Regular Airport(R)
a aurport used by a certificate hilder in a scheduled operations and listed in its operations specifications.
Wet Lease
a person agrees to lease an entire aircraft and at least one crewmember
Part 117 Title
Flight and Duty Limitations and Rest Requirements: Flight and Crew Members
Part 119 Title
Certification: Air Carriers and Commercial Operators