Non-Graphic Weather Flashcards
An aviation routine weather report.
SPECIs are issued between hourly
reports when there is a significant change of weather,
Where would PANC airport be located?
Where would PHNL airport be located?
Where would CYYZ airport be located?
Where would MMMX airport be located?
Where would MYNN airport be located?
What does the first letter K mean in an airport code?
48 continuous states of America
Where would TJSJ airport be located?
Puerto Rico
What does UTC stand for?
Coordinated Universal Time
What does AUTO mean in a weather report?
No human intervention
What does COR mean?
Human error correction, not change in weather.
What North is used in reference to wind in weather reports?
True North
What North is used in reference when speaking to pilots?
Magnetic north, as the have compasses on the plane.
How would 24015KT be expressed verbally?
wind is from 240˚ true at 15 kt
When is VRB used?
When wind 6kts or less is and varying in direction.
When is 00000KT used?
Calm winds (less than 3 knots).
variation in wind speed of at least 10 kt.
Prevailing Visability
the greatest distance at which objects can be seen and
identified through at least 180° of the horizon circle, which need not be
How would you say 1 1/2SM?
One and One-Half Statue Miles
What does M1/4SM mean?
Less than 1/4 statue miles visibility, reported by an automated station.
What does 7000SE mean?
Visibility is lowest at 7000 meters to the South East. (used internationally)
Visibility is 10 kilometers or greater.
Runway Visual Range
What does RVR mean?
based on the sighting of high-intensity runway lights.
Runway two-seven left visual range is 600 ft.
What is the maximum value for RVR?
6000 feet
What does R32/M0500FT mean?
Runway 32 visual range less than 500 ft.
What are the International RVR trend codes?
D means down.
U means up.
N means no change.
V means variable.
CAVOK meaning?
Ceiling and Visability OK
CAVOK Values?
Visabilty 10km or more
No clouds below 1500m
No cumulonimbus clouds
No Significant Weather Phenomenon
Temp -5c, Dew point unkown
Temp -9c,Dew Point 2c
QNH of 1013 millibars
How far from the station is weather phenomenon reported as at the station?
5 statute miles
What distance from the station is reported in the Vicinity?
5-10 statute miles
station doesn’t have a precipitation discriminator
Define Wind Shift
a change in wind direction of 45˚ or more in less than 15 minutes with sustained winds of 10 kts or more throughout
What is the rate for Pressure falling/rising rapidly?
when the pressure is rising or falling at a rate of at least 0.06 in. per hour and the pressure change totals 0.02 or more at time of observation
Sea Level Pressure 1013.2 hPa/mb
What could be the case for a METAR being sent outside of the usual time and with no significant weather change?
Aircraft Mishap
Snow Increasing Rapidly, 2 in in past hour, depth 10in
Trace Precipitation in last hour
Freezing rain indicator not available
Thunderstorm indicator not available
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