regulation of enzymes Flashcards
19.07.15 lect4
What is themichealis menton equation
- MM measured the change in velocity with respect to change in [S]
- Velocity of enzyme have linear realationship with [s]
- activity/min
- activity/min
- Velocity of enzyme have linear realationship with [s]
express the relationship/difference between enzyme 1/2
- Km= 1/2Vmax,
- value that reflects the affinity of the enzyme
- smallKm= high affinity
- high Kn=low affinity
draw and explain values in the line weaver burk plot
give advatages over the use of michealis-menton
- advatages
- requires less point to make a plot
- make the extrapolation easier
- Km and Vmax can be calculated from the interception on abscissa and ordinate, respectively
What isozymes are involved with glucose managment. define location/function and relationship.
- isozyme- different proteins that share simillar function
- hexokinase
- location
- function
- allows RBCs to use glucose when its plasma level is low
- location
- glucokinase
- location
- liver and pancreatic beta cells
- function
- promotes storage of glucose or insulin secretion. when glucose is high in plasma.
- location
- hexokinase
- glucose P-lation in the liver
- up as blood G increases
- down as Blood G falls
- high Km of hepatic glucokinase promotes glucose storage
what are inhibitors ?
list two types and decribe types of inhibition mechanisms. include affects mathematical values.
inhibitor-dimishes the velocity of an enzyme reaction
- reversible
- noncovalent interactions
- enzyme may regain function
- noncovalent interactions
- irreversible
- covalent
- enzyme needs to be replaced
- degraded and made again
- covelent interaction seized
- example
- phosphorylation
- phosphorylating enzymes turns them on/off
- ADP-ribosylation
- targets amino acids leading on/off, or malfunction-> disease
- phosphorylation
- enzyme needs to be replaced
- covalent
types of inhibition
- competative
- binds to active site
- Vmax unchanged
- Km increases
- noncompetative
- binds allosterically or ES complex
- Vmax is decreased
- Km unchanged
Physostigmine acts against acetylcholine esterase enzyme, but is over come by increasing the substrate.
If a statin drug acts similarly to HMG-CoA reductase, reducing cholesterol synthesis how are these enzymes overcome by substrate addition.
diagram in MM and LWB
- competative inhibition
- inhibitor binds to the same site as substrate
- inhibitor can be reversed by HIGH [S]
- values that change
- Vmax does NOT change
- the enzyme can STILL reach Vmax
- Km is increased
- b/c more substrate is needed to achieve 1/2Vmax
- Vmax does NOT change
Drug Q acts against an enzyme and adding more substrate will not overcome the inhibitor.
What type of inhibitor is this ? diagram in MM and LWB
- noncompetative inhibition
- inhibitor binds on allosteric sites and or ESC
- values that change
Vmax is lowered
- substrate addition will not overcome the inhibitor
- Km does NOT change
- inhibition does not interfere with substrate binding to the enzyme
Vmax is lowered
The image shows phosphofructokinase-1 and glycogen phosphorylase action. What is the photo highlighting?
these enzymes are controlled allosterically by products. products and substrates increase and decrease their function
they are also rate-limiting enzymes controlled by change in conformation of catalytic site.
- phosphofructokinase-1
- irreversible transferase of phosphorus from ATP to fructose-6-phosphate
- allosterically activated by
- fructose 2,6-bisphosphate
- glycogen phosphorylase
- rate limiting enzyme for glycogenolysis
- allosterically activated
discuss the two models of allosteric regulation with regard to how the substrates load. give example
there are two models of allosteric regulation
- sequential progression-“step wise”
- binding of one molecule triggers conformation of another subunit. This continues until T <->R
- “theres a sequence or step by step model”
- concerted progression-“all or none”
- binding of substrate to one subunit facilitates binding of another.
- cooperativity for Hb
- enzyme in T conformation->1st item binds->changing the configuration and increasing the affinity->more items bond
- cooperativity for Hb
- binding of substrate to one subunit facilitates binding of another.
Allosteric activators and inhibitors bind on the enzyme outside of the active site. What advantages do allosteric activators and inhibitors offer the enzyme?
What does the look like in a mechalis-menton graph? Diagram the normal, addition of activator/inhibitor. Explain
- inhibitors have stronger effect when compared to compettive/noncompetative
- comp/noncomp work on the active site
- normal
- Binding of substrate stabilizes the active conformation, allowing the second substrate to bind more readily
2. activator - stabilize the R-state
- this has a higher affinity for the substrate
- hyperbolic
3. inhibitor - stabilize the T-state
- low affinity for the substrate
- shifts the curve to the right
I had food contaminated with cholera, leading to illness. What is the mechanism and explain function.
cholera toxin is a type of ADP-ribosylation
- targets
- covalently binds R and K in G proteins
- locking in the on state
- covalently binds R and K in G proteins
- disease
- increases water secretion into intestinal lumen leading to dehydration
A child is in a state of hypoglycemia, many people in the complex were really sick. This child has not received any vaccines.
what could it be and explain mechanism
pertussis generate a toxin that acts to ADP-ribosylation of
- target
- covalently modifies R, K in G-proteins
- locking it in the inactive state
- disease
- leads to increase insulin release by pancrease->hypoglycemia
Jane feels really tired when she jogs. She is concerned all the extra weight she gained is making her tiered. She has low blood glucose and was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa.
What enzymes and agents are at play with Janes conditions?
increased working out leads to use of ATP generating AMP.
- AMPinitiates the feedback mechanism. It is an allosteric stimulator for phosphofructokinase-1 and glycogen phophorylase.
- ATP/AMP ratio inhibits and stimulates allosterically, respectivly
- she does not have enough fuel stored to supply the energy demand and is easily fatigued.
Some enzymes require cofactors.
Describe the relationship with the glycogenolysis rate limiting enzyme.
glycogen phosphorylase is the rate-limiting enzyme
- requires B6
- activated
- allosteric activator
- phosphorylation
- phosphorylation kinase, transferase, phosphorylates GP in response to adrenaline
describe the function/mechanism/example of the conformation changes in:
- calmodulin
- G proteins
- calmodulin- conformation/protein-protein
- a Ca2+ binding protein
- function
- regulates different protein targets
- mechanism
- Contains four binding sites for Ca2+
- binding of Ca2+ leads to conformational changes
- example
- Ca2+ is released from ER, in hepatocyte, activating calmodulin. Then calmodulin activates glycogen phosphorylase kinase, which phosphorylates(activates )glycogen phorphorylase.
- a key enzyme in glycogenolysis
- Ca2+ is released from ER, in hepatocyte, activating calmodulin. Then calmodulin activates glycogen phosphorylase kinase, which phosphorylates(activates )glycogen phorphorylase.
- G proteins
- physically activates the target protein, when bound
- function
- act as signaling agent
- mechanism
- G-GTP associates with target protein, this activates target protein, then regulator of G protein signaling stimulates the G-GTP to hydrolyze to G-GDP, seperating and inactivating the target protein and G protein.
- target of disease like whooping cough