Regulation of Cardiac Function 1 and 2 Flashcards
Factors governing CO
Pressure volume loops
Calcium cycles
Factors effecting inotropic state
Sympathetic effect on inotropic state
Parasympathetic effect on inotropic state
Skeletal vs cardiac muscle
Hypoxic state happs
Sympathetic innervation vs parasympathetic innervation of the heart
Sympathetic effect on heart
Parasympathetic effect on heart
Describe which mechanism is more dominant than teh other for HR and LV pressure(inotropy)
Why is there a difference in speed of action?
Supply vs demand diagram
How to increase O2 supply to heart
Describe the coronory blood flow during systole and distole?
Influencers of coronary blood flow
HR decreases
cardiac output
once maxed
limited by vasodilation
remodelling of heart in HF