Regions Flashcards
Pelvic Inlet
- Oval-shaped opening that separates pelvic cavity from the abdominal cavity
- boundary between true pelvis (below) and false pelvis (above)
- males have narrower and heart-shaped
- entrance to the birth canal
Pelvic Outlet
- allows excretory, reproductive, and digestive systems to pass through the body’s surface
- enlarges during childbirth
- opening at the bottom of the pelvis
Greater sciatic foramen
- passageway for structures entering or leaving the pelvis (e.g., sciatic nerve)
- located on posterior hip bone/ilium
- formed by ST and SS ligaments
- Borders: greater sciatic notch, ischial spine, SS, ST
- Contents: piriformis, sciatic n., superior gluteal vessels/nerves, inferior gluteal nerve/vessels, posterior cutaneous n., nerves to Obturator Internus and quadratus femoris
Lesser Sciatic Foramen
- passageway for structures entering or leaving the perineum (e.g., pudendal nerve).
- below pelvic floor
- formed by ST and SS ligaments
- Boundaries: ischial body, ischial spine, SS, ST
- Contents: pudendal nerve/vessels, Obturator Internus and its nerve,
- passageway to smaller arteries and nerves
- obturator membrane closes obturator foramen in the hip bone, provides surface for muscle attachments, allows passage through canal
- obturator membrane separates internal and external obturator muscles (named based on location, NOT rotation)
- obturator canal is an opening in super lateral surface of membrane that allows obturator nerve, vein, artery to exit pelvis and travel to medial thigh
Muscles of the posterior abdominal wall
- cause of back problems
- iliacus, Psoas major/minor, QL, and diaphragm(?)
Muscles of Anterior Thigh Acting at Hip
Pectineus, sartorius
Superficial Gluteal Region
- G. Maximus, G. medius, G. minimus, TFL
- all have PA to posterolateral (external) surface and margins of the ala of ilium and are mainly extensors, abductors, and rotators at the hip
Iliotibial (IT) Band
- supportive layer of fascia
- lateral thigh
-TFL and gluteus Maximus attach - band gets stuck on vastus lateralis
Deep Gluteal Region
Piriformis, Obturator Internus, Superior and Inferior Gemelli, Quadratus Femoris
Musculature of Anterior Abdominal Wall
Transversus abdominis, internal oblique, rectus abdominis, external oblique
Medial Thigh Group
- all do hip adduction and all innervated by obturator n.
- Adductor longus/brevis/Magnus, Gracilis, Obturator Externus
Inguinal Region
- inguinal ligament is superior border
- contents include femoral artery and vein
Femoral Triangle
- Borders: inguinal ligament, sartorius, adductor longus
- VAN goes through (femoral vein, artery, nerve) from medial to lateral
- additionally, profounda femoris artery, iliotibial tract, and saphenous nerve
Adductor Canal
- beginning of the adductor canal is the apex of the the femoral triangle
- deep to the sartorius
- no nerve lying directly on the bone
- saphenous nerve
- femoral VAN
- adductor hiatus
Muscles of Anterior Thigh Acting on Knee Joint
Quadriceps Femoris
(Rectus femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus intermedius, Vastus medialis)
Posterior Thigh
(Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, biceps Femoris long&short head)
Popliteal Fossa
A. V. N (med to lat)
Popliteal artery and vein
Tibial nerve (also has common fibular n and sural n)
Borders: Semitendinosus, bicep Femoris long head, medial and head gastrocnemius