Lateral boundary femoral sheath
Iliospoas, femoral nerve
Medial boundary femoral sheath
Superior boundary femoral sheath
inguinal canal
Contents of femoral sheath
femoral vein and artery
Lateral boundary femoral triangle
medial border of sartorius
Medial boundary femoral triangle
Medial border of adductor longus
Superior (base) boundary of femoral triangle
Inguinal lig
Roof boundary of femoral triangle
Fascia, cribiform fascia
Floor boundary of femoral triangle
Iliopsoas, pectineus, adductor longus
Contents of femoral triangle
femoral artery, vein, nerve, deep femoral artery (profunda)
Adductor canal lateral boundary
vastus medialis
Adductor canal medial boundary
Adductor magnus and longus
Adductor canal superficial boundary
Subsartorial fascia
Contents of adductor canal
femoral artery, vein, saphenous nerve
Upper (lateral) boundary of popliteal fossa
Biceps femoris