Regional Operations Flashcards
_______________will be responsible for the updates.
B. Planning and Research*
Assistant Chief Regional Operations 1
CRCC and PHRCC Commanders
Assistant Chief Regional Operations 2
NERCC, MVRCC, and WSRCC Commanders.
A staff meeting will be held ___________.
C. Weekly *
Attendance to staff meetings is mandatory for all Regional Commanders, however in those instances where attendance may not be possible, a ________ may be sent as a representative
B. Lt*
Notification will be made promptly to the commander on any of the following incidences:
Any discharge of a firearm by an officer.
B. Accidents involving fatalities or the death of a child less than 14 years of age.
C. High profile arrests or suicides (any person whose arrest or suicide would be newsworthy.)
D. In-custody deaths.
E. Law enforcement officer/agent is arrested (any federal, state, or local law enforcement
officer/agent including other states.)
F. Major disturbances or unusual occurrences requiring significant resource shifts from one region
to another.
G. Murders.
H. SWAT call outs.
I. Arrests of City employees require notification during normal business hours as per Department
Procedures Manual. In addition, notifications will also be made to the arrestee’s supervisor. An
entry will be made on the station log indicating the person’s name, position with the City, and
the city department. If immediate notification cannot be made, the reason will be entered on
the station log and notification will be made during normal business hours.
J. Any incident that may disrupt the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic for a significant period
of time.
K. Any other significant event in which the media may take an interest.
L. Unattended deaths and suicides do not require notification unless the circumstances require
informing the Office of the Chief.
The daily log contains information from each shift, starting with the supervisors on duty, supervisors on leave, ______________, and documentation on shift training.
A. Number of units in the field*
Shift/Section commanders or the supervisor in charge will review the log at the end of the shift.
A. True *
Each entry should include at a minimum the case number, type of incident, address
of occurrence, name, DOB, address of parties involved, and a brief synopsis of the event and
A. True*
Daily Summary Log
The ________ supervisor is responsible for retaining a copy of the daily log sheet and sending the original to the commander.
A. Day shift*
Officers will have an opportunity to bid for day shift, evening shift or graveyard shift
once every ________
D. Quarter*
Bid sheets will be distributed to the officers at least ________ days prior to the
beginning of the next quarter so that schedules can be entered into the system for
Municipal Court scheduling.
C. 45*
Sexual Assault entries will not identify the victim, only case number, gender and
whether the victim was an adult or juvenile.
A. True*
The assignment of officers to a shift will be based on ________ according to their first
or second choice of shifts and the number of slots allotted to each shift.
D. Seniority*
The assignment of an officer’s work hours, assigned district, rotation between
assigned districts (if any), and days off will be at the discretion of the ___________
B. Shift Commander*
Personnel accepting a subpoena from an outside agency shall ensure that the subpoenaed officer is assigned to the Region or will be reporting to the station within ________. The subpoena
should not be accepted if the officer cannot be served within _________.
A. 24 hours/24 hours*
Any officer conducting the mail run, during normal business hours, will be responsible for picking up the subpoenas from court liaison.
A. True*
Inter-departmental mail will be taken to Headquarters daily by _______.
B. Day Shift*
LATE CALL - Any type of call for service that officers receive at least ___ before they are scheduled to complete their shift and carries them past their normal duty hours. This does not include officers who have returned to the station half(l/2) an hour before the end of their normal tour of duty to complete reports.
1/2 Hour
The presence of more than ____ shift sergeant in the station at any given time is discouraged. Shift sergeants shall monitor the radio at all times and respond to all serious incidents.
Cellphones will be on ______ while on duty.
When an officer reports an injury while on duty, the below listed reports must be completed and forwarded to the division payroll clerk within ______ of the reported injury.
Marked units may not be turned in with less than a ______ of fuel.
¾ tank
Unmarked units may not be turned in with less than a _____of fuel.
½ tank
The ________ will be responsible for keeping an inventory of the riot gear assigned to their station and shall comply with Section 8-104 of the General Manual.
Station managers
Utilization of the Command Post includes, but is not limited to the following:
1.Barricade/hostage situations.
2. Citywide Department/City functions on request basis.
3. Civil disturbances.
4. Natural disasters.
5. Support vehicle for training, recruitment and testing.
Regional Command Centers requesting to utilize the Command Post for a regional function, must give a __________ advance notice via Department email to the Unit Commander and CMT Supervisor.
Two week
To qualify to be a motor field training officer one must possess_________
A. 24 months of experience as motor enforcement officer
B. Performance of motor duty for 12 consecutive months prior to appointment
C. Demonstrate riding proficiency, proven motorcycle safety record
D. Ability to train and objectively evaluate trainee
The Officer will submit an inter-office memorandum to their Regional Commander requesting consideration for appointment to FTO
. A minimum of two years of patrol experience with the Department is desired. The Regional Commander may give a waiver under special circumstances. If a lateral transfer is requested, the individual must complete at least three consecutive months in a Patrol Division.
2. No major disciplinary action within the last 6 months prior to request.
3. Above average work record and a minimum rating of Competent in the last two evaluations.
Each __________will designate a shift-training supervisor. It is the responsibility of the _____________to update the shift on both old and new policies of the Department and provide or arrange for roll call training. All roll call training will be placed on the Station Daily Report.
Shift commander, Shift training supervisor
At least _______ traffic section supervisors will review Traffic collision data to identify the top accident locations.
C. Monthly*
The __________ or his designee is responsible for retaining and updating all maintenance and calibration records of the radars.
C. Traffic Supervisor*
Generally, officers do not have the authority to enforce off-road vehicle violations, with the exception of Driving While Intoxicated. Hit & Run accidents and _________.
A. Reckless Driving*
__________ will schedule regular programmed maintenance, testing and calibration of speed measuring devices.
B. Station Manager*
Officers detecting a person who appears to be Incompetent, physically or mentally disabled, or suffering from a disease or other condition that may prevent him/her from exercising reasonable and ordinary care over a motor vehicle will complete an Exam Request Form _____ and complaint report.
D. Dic-76*
The Tactical Section is divided into two teams which are ______________
A. Tactical Special Enforcement Team (plain clothes)
B. Tactical Gang Enforcement (uniform)
The Central Regional Command Center is the only region that utilizes Civilian Parking Enforcement personnel. They can handle minor 81’s
A. True*
The ______ is the primary Civil Disturbance Response Team for the City of El Paso.
D. Bike Unit*
The Bike Unit supervisor will inspect the equipment at least once _____ and will report any kind of equipment damage to his section Commander.
B. Monthly*
Officers conduct home security inspections, upon passing inspection homeowners may qualify for up to a ____ discount on their homeowner’s insurance
C. 20%*
While patrolling the district, the PAR officer will place a ______________on all automobiles that appear to be abandoned. The officer will maintain a log of tagged vehicles and conduct a follow-up investigation to ensure that the vehicles have been removed.
Five Day Tag
The objectives of the PAR Officer Program are to develop a close working relationship with the citizens to reduce crime and improve the __________ in El Paso, Texas.
quality of life
Habitual complaints are defined as ____ or more calls for service on different occasions for a similar type of complaint at a given location over a _____________. PAR Officer should address these complaints.
C. 2*, one month period
When conducting a vehicle stop, vehicle positioning should be ___feet (or one car length) behind the vehicle with a ____ percent overlap wheels fully turned to the right with the parking brake set.
A. 15/50*
Each shift commander shall submit a Monthly Activity Report to the commander’s secretary by the _____ working day of the month. The monthly report will be submitted via city e-mail on the ______ working day of the new month to the Assistant Chief of the region, with copies to the detective and sergeant of Special Projects.
A. 2nd/ 3rd*
It is the responsibility of the _____ and the _____ to make appropriate distribution of mail or other information. Distribution applies to inter-office mail, U.S. Mail, e-mail, messages coming through RMS or CAD, faxes.
A. Station Manager
B. Desk Officer
DAILY SUMMARY LOG (STATION LOG). The _______ supervisor is responsible for retaining a copy of the daily log sheet and sending the original to the regional commander.
B. Day Shift*
Undeliverable subpoenas will be returned so that they arrive at Court Liaison within ___ hours of receipt.
A. 24*
LATE CALL - Any type of call for service that officers receive at least __________ before they are scheduled to complete their shift and carries them past their normal duty hours. This does not include officers who have returned to the station half (1/2) an hour before the end of their normal tour of duty to complete reports.
C. 30 minutes*
**AWP EXTENSION. The document informs the employee that their accident with pay status will terminate after working days of absence resulting from their work-related injury
C. 30*
ON DUTY INJURIES: Forwarded to the division payroll clerk within ___ hours of the reported injury.
C. 24*
Preparation of work schedules is the responsibility of the shift/section supervisors. (_______), shall ensure that all work schedules pertaining to members within their section are completed
C. Shift Commanders*
Cellphone agreement parameters:
B. Furnish their supervisor with their current cellular phone number
C. Not request reimbursement for damage or loss
D. The phone will not be used for personal business when officers are handling a call (vibrate while on duty)
E. Understand that the carrying of a personal phone (cellular) is a privilege that may be
revoked at any time.
F. Officers may use their personally owned cellular phones for personal calls while on lunch break or coffee break.
Any officer using a marked vehicle for any purpose must complete a log sheet showing the vehicle usage. Log sheet not required: _____________.
A. Mail Run
B. Lunch
C. Court
Station Managers shall notify all shift lieutenants and initiate an investigation of missing equipment not found within ________.
D. 24*
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE VESTS-Supervisors shall inspect adherence to policy
________ and document the inspection in the MAR report.
B. Monthly*
Each section will use the copy machines located in their section. Prior approval is needed from the section __________, if another section’s copier is used.
B. Lt*
Regional Command Centers requesting to utilize the Command Post for a regional function, must give a __________advance notice via Department e-mail to the Unit Commander and CMT Supervisor. The request must include the following information: Date.2. Time.3. Location.4. Type of function.5. Duration of the function.
B. Two-week*
Use of the weight room will be restricted to active and retired El Paso Police Department personnel, their spouse or significant other, and their children ___years of age or older, and volunteers. Guests must sign waiver.
C. 14*
Supervisors having prisoners brought before them are required to:
A. Injuries
C. Legality of Arrest
D. Appropriate charge
The Station Manager will maintain a _______ retention and rotation schedule for station tapes.
C. 90*
The day-to-day administration of the Regional Command Center is the responsibility of each ____________
C. Shift Commander*
Desk Officer - Ensure that the videotape in the VCR is recording. The third shift desk officer will place a new tape in the recorder at ______ every day. Each tape will contain only one calendar day of 24 hours
C. midnight 0000*
The on-duty desk officer will print the Daily Station Log and present it to the third shift supervisor for approval prior to _____ hrs.
A. 0700*
To become an FTO, an officer must send a memo to the commander and have the following experience ___________
A. 2 years’ patrol experience is desired
B. If lateral, must complete 3 consecutive months on patrol
C. No major disciplinary history within last 6 months
D. Minimum rating of competent on last 2 evaluations
At least __________, traffic section supervisors will review Traffic collision data to identify the top accident locations.
B. Monthly*
Citations should be issued under the following circumstances_______
A. Unreasonable speed
B. Accidents Speed a factor
C. Multiple Violation
D. Commercial Vehicle
Special Operations Lieutenant- submits a ______ report to the Chief of Police through the chain of command. Containing- Community concerns, problems, recommended actions, and progress towards goals.
B. Quarterly*
_________ is the anticipation, recognition and appraisal of crime risks and the initiation of actions to remove or reduce such risks.
D. Crime prevention*
Crime prevention is the responsibility of _______ of the El Paso Police Department.
C. each employee *
Crime Prevention Officers will encourage citizens to participate in the Department’s various crime awareness/prevention programs. These programs include:
A. Neighborhood Watch
B. Security survey
C. Home Inspection
D. Operation Identification
______ is the formal organization of residents that enable them to deter crime in their neighborhood.
C. Neighborhood Watch*
A _____ is an evaluation of the security strengths and weaknesses of a home or business
B. security survey*
________ is the retention of serial numbers or other identifying marks owners use to assist in the identification and recovery of their stolen personal or business property.
A. Operation Identification*
Residents wishing to participate in Neighborhood Watch must also participate in the ______ and _______ program.
B. Home Inspection
C. Operation Identification
The objectives of the PAR Officer Program are to ___ to ___ and ___ of life in El Paso, Texas.
A. develop a close working relationship with the citizens
B. reduce crime
C. improve the quality
______ is a program directed at prevention of anti-social behavior through education, communication and an understanding of the role of police as related to society in general and this community in particular
B. School Resource Officer*
The Criminal Investigation Section at each Regional Command Center shall also follow the direction provided in the_______.
A. Criminal Investigation Manual*
The Procedures Manual of the El Paso Police Department, City Code and Texas State law all supersede the Regional Operations Manual.
A. True *
Information pertaining to or affecting the Regional Command should be given to the _____
and a copy to the______.
B. Commander
C. shift lieutenant
Shift lieutenants shall ensure that the ______ are properly informed and that they disseminate necessary information to their personnel.
C. Sergeants*
Includes criminal complaints, accident or supplemental reports that need to be completed by officers before the end of their tour of duty, which carries them past their normally scheduled tour of duty. All evidence collected must be documented, tagged and placed in the evidence locker or designated secure storage area before the officer completes their tour of duty.
Will apply only in situations where there is a need to call back officers to duty or hold officers past the end of their regular shift because of a lack of on duty resources. Example would be if a patrol shift has a number of officers calling in sick and officers are called in from their regular days off.
Investigations that are initiated by officers during their normal tour of duty, which carries them past their normally scheduled tour of duty.
This applies when there is an emergency incident in which a call back of officers or special teams is requested. Examples would include SWAT and CMT call outs, as well as mobile field force type incidents where additional officers are needed.
Any type of call for service that officers receive at least one half (1/2) hour before they are scheduled to complete their shift and carries them past their normal duty hours. This does not include officers who have returned to the station half (1/2) an hour before the end of their normal tour of duty to complete reports.
Any type of call when an officer is called back to duty to conduct an investigation. This applies if the officer is already off for the day, has exceeded the normal two-hour end of tour time, is on scheduled days off or is called back for an investigative purpose. Examples would include a CAP call out or Regional CID call outs.
Preparation of work schedules is the responsibility of the______.
B. shift/section supervisors*
______, shall ensure that all work schedules pertaining to members within their section are completed.
C. Shift Commanders*
Inspections or routine checks of ______ that are not the result of a call for service require pre-approval by a supervisor.
D. adult oriented businesses*
SUPPLY ROOM / EQUIPMENT ROOM. The station manager, equipment custodians, and supervisors are the only authorized personnel that may enter the Supply Room/Equipment Room.
A. True*
Officers _____ keep personal items in the Station or in their lockers that may be offensive to another person, including items of a sexual or racial nature.
C. shall not*
GENERAL EVACUATION POLICY - Upon leaving the building, the desk officer will report the status of the building evacuation to the _____ and_____.
A. Shift Commander
C. public safety agencies
Interference with Child Custody is a______.
D. Criminal offense*
Interference with Child Custody reports ______ be referred to word processing.
B. should not*
When dispatched to a call involving a legitimate Interference with Child Custody case, officers _____ file a complaint report
A. shall*
_____ investigates legitimate reports relating to Interference with Child Custody.
List all the information child custody reports must identify
- Managing Conservator
- Possessor Conservator
- cause number
- court number
- judge’s name
- effective date
- attorney’s name
- names of the children
Outside law enforcement agencies wishing to use EPPD holding cells must obtain ____ permission and must keep their prisoner in view at all times.
- Shift Commander’s