Regional Differences/ Social Change Flashcards
what event highlighted regional differences in this time period
Monkey Trial 1925
give the 3 main events of the Monkey Trial 1925
-6 US states led by William Jennings Bryan leader of Democrat party tried to ban Darwin’s Theory of Evolution from schools
-biology teacher John Scopes challenged ban
-Scopes convicted for breaking the law however trial ruined public image of Bryan/ Southern Fundamentalists
who led the ban on Darwin’s theory
William Jennings Bryan former progressive party leader and current leader of democrat party
who challenged the ban
biology teacher John Scopes
why was the trial a disaster for Bryan and Fundamentalists despite the outcome
both mocked for their beliefs since majority of Americans accepted theory of evolution
what beliefs were held by the southern bible belt
fundamentalism and creationism
give an example of how regional differences were increased for women 1920s/post ww1
Flapper’s challenged traditional role of women in the North, in the south flappers were criticised even more
give 3 examples of how regional differences decreased for women 1920s/ post ww1
-1930 2 million more women in employment than 1920
-Hollywood brought more people West
-cinemas and radios united the nation
give 3 examples how regional differences decreased for women in the 1930s/depression years
-New Deal ineffectual for women eg 1932 Economy Act, NRA allowed unequal wages, CCC only 8000 in administrative roles
-by 1940 90% jobs filled by men
-Labour Unions barred women as they brought down wages
give 2 examples of how regional differences decreased for women 1940-45/ during ww2
-1944 6.5 million women entered workforce and end of war 60% women employed and 1/3 aircraft workers female
-women expected to return to domestic roles after the war and when married
give an example of regional differences increasing for women 1940-45/during ww2
-some states allowed equal pay
-some unions supported higher pay for women (so that men’s pay would increase too)
give 3 examples of regional differences decreasing for AA in 1920s/post ww1
-400,000 AA North 1914-18 and 300,000 in war
-racism spread to north eg 1919 Red Summer Race Riots
-rise of KK after Birth of a Nation 1915; 1925 5 million members
give 4 examples of regional differences increasing for AA in 1920s/post ww1
-jazz music popular in north and black role models provided eg Louis Armstrong and Bessie Smith
-KKK membership declined after 1925 after Grand Wizard charged with rape
-1914 UNIA set up Marcus Garvey and 2 million members 1920
-1925 Randolf’s African American Brotherhood of Sleeping Porters
give 3 examples of regional differences decreasing for AA during 1930s/depression
-lack of southern democrat support meant FDR could not pass new Civil Rights legislation
-last hired first fired and paid less
-CCC ran by a racist only 200,000 AA employed out of almost 3 million employed
give 4 examples of regional differences decreasing for AA 1940-45/ww2
-mainly whites benefitted from post war employment boom
-1940 survey found half of war industries did not employ AA
-1943 race riot Detroit
-Jim Crow army given improper training and menial jobs
give 2 examples of regional differences increasing for AA 1940-45/ww2
-growing northern call for civil rights with Double V Campaign
-Randolf’s march on Washington 1941 conceded and Executive Order passed to stop discrimination in war industries
give 3 examples of regional differences decreasing for immigrants 1920s/post war
-1921 Immigration Quota Act set immigrant restriction to 3% of US population 1910 then 1934 National Origins Act 2% US pop 1890
-growth of nationalism/ fear of especially German immigrants
-Sacco and Vanzetti highlights racism as both Italians had alibis
give an example of regional differences decreasing for immigrants 1930s/depression
-last hired first fired paid less
give 3 examples of regional differences increasing for immigrants 1940-45/ww2
-end of 1941 US-JApanese relations worsened led to 2000 Japanese citizens and 14,000 Germans labelled subversives and sent to camps
-Attorney General of Idaho said his state was for whites only and Japanese citizens sent to 10 relocation centres set up across the west
-112,000 Japanese citizens forced to leave possessions behind
give an example of regional differences decreasing for NA in 1920s/postwar
-1924 Congress declared all NA US citizens
give an example of regional differences decreasing for NA in 1930s/ depression
1935 Indian Reorganisation Act NA were citizens and gov abandoned assimilation policy and allowed tribes to reorganise with self governing bodies however showed a lack of understanding fir NA culture and customs
give 2 other examples of regional differences besides the Monkey Trial in 1920s/postwar
-economic boom/technological developments benefitted north with electricity and running water but not the rural areas
-economic growth in west and population of Los Angeles reached 1 mil 1930
give an example of regional differences in the 1930s/depression
-North/Urban Industrial America faced mass employment, soup kitchens, travelling to find work
-Rural America faced the same but due to the Dust Bowl/ weather conditions
-rural areas could not be helped by New Deal eg Oklahoma farmers forced off land due to soil erosion and dust storms –> 1mil Okies searched for scarce jobs picking fruit in California
give an example of regional differences in 1940-45/ww2
-Northern cities mixed socially due to AA migration north
-1940 8% of Chicago population was black (8% of 3.4mil)
-ALL regions benefitted from ww2 demands