Regional Anatomy Flashcards
Which thoracic vertebrae separates the superior from the inferior mediastinum?
T4-T5 (or at sternal angle)
What nerve passes through the carpal tunnel of the wrist?
median nerve
Which parts of the duodenum are retroperitoneal?
2nd, 3rd, 4th parts
What are the boundaries of the superior mediastinum?
from the superior thoracic aperture to an imaginary line at T4-T5
List four nerves/plexi that are present in the posterior triangle of the neck.
CN XI, branches of cervical plexus, roots and trunks of brachial plexus, phrenic nerve (C3, C4, C5)
Name the nerve the pass through the Hunter’s canal.
saphenous nerve
Name the structure in males, located in the inguinal canal that travels from the pelvic cavity to the scrotum.
spermatic cord
Name three muscles that form the suboccipital triangle.
oblique capitis inferior, obliquus capitis superior and rectus capitis posterior major muscles
What structures make up the anterior wall of the inguinal canal?
aponeuroses of the external oblique and internal oblique muscles
Where is McBurney’s point?
site of appendix: 2/3 of the way from umbilicus to ASIS
List four contents of the superior mediastinum.
aortic arch, brachiocephalic veins, phrenic nerve, vagus nerve
What is the name of the diamond-shaped space located posterior to the knee?
popliteal fossa
Name the canal that is located in the middle 1/3 of the thigh between the adductor muscles and vastus medialis?
Hunter’s canal
What do you call the entrance of abdominal contents through the femoral canal?
femoral hernia
The floor of the femoral triangle is formed by which two muscles laterally and medially?
iliopsoas laterally and pectineus medially
Is the lesser pelvis (pelvis minor) located superiorly or inferiorly to the brim?
Is the greater pelvis (pelvis major) located superiorly or inferiorly to the brim?
The pericardial sac is continuous with which subdivision of the mediastinum?
middle mediastinum (subdivision of the inferior mediastinum)
What structures make up the inferior wall (floor) of the inguinal canal?
inguinal and lacunar ligaments
What structures make up the superior wall of the inguinal canal?
arching fibers of the internal oblique and transverse muscles
Where does a femoral hernia protrude to?
inferior and lateral to the pubic tubercle
What does the femoral sheath contain?
femoral artery, femoral vein, and femoral canal (containing deep inguinal lymph node)
Branches of which nerve are distributed within the femoral triangle?
femoral nerve
From where does a direct hernia protrude?
from the inguinal (hesselbachs) triangle - bulges directly through the abdominal wall medial to the inferior epigastric artery
What does an indirect hernia go through?
the internal (deep) inguinal ring and external (superficial) inguinal ring and into the scrotum
Which parts of colon are retroperitoneal?
descending and ascending colon
Does the femoral nerve lie within the femoral sheath?
List four vessels that are present in the posterior triangle of the neck.
subclavian artery, transverse cervical artery, suprascapular artery, terminal part of external external jugular vein
Which structures make up Hesselbach’s triangle?
inferior epigastric artery, lateral border of rectus abdominus, and inguinal ligament
What structures make up the posterior wall of the inguinal canal?
aponeurosis of the transverse abdominal muscle and transversalis fascia
Describe the boundaries of the posterior triangle of the neck.
apex: union of the SCM and the trapezius muscles at the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone
anteriorly: posterior border of the SCM
base: distal 1/3 of clavicle
posteriorly: anterior border of the trapezius
Name three structures that are contained within the posterior subdivision of the inferior mediastinum.
esophagus, descending aorta, thoracic duct
List five contents of the posterior mediastinum.
esophagus, descending aorta, azygos veins, thoracic duct, sympathetic trunk
What does the inguinal canal transmit?
spermatic cord or round ligament of the uterus and genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve
Name the fossa located anteriorly, at the distal end of the humerus.
cubital fossa
What does the femoral triangle contain?
femoral vein, artery, and nerve
Where does the inguinal canal start and end?
begins at the deep inguinal ring and terminates at the superficial ring
What is the name of the fossa that is bound superiorly by the supracondylar lines of the femur?
popliteal fossa
The tibial nerve, popliteal artery/vein and some adipose are located within which triangular formation?
popliteal fossa
What is the name of the condition caused by compression of the median nerve in the wrist?
carpal tunnel syndrome
List six muscles present in the posterior triangle of the neck.
inferior belly of omohyoid muscle, anterior scalene, middle scalene, posterior scalene, levator scapulae, splenius muscle
Which inguinal ring does an abdominal hernia go through?
external inguinal ring only
Name the three structures that form the anterior triangle of the neck.
mandible, anterior border of SCM, anterior midline of the neck
List two lymph nodes present in the posterior triangle of the neck.
occipital and supraclavicular
On which side of the inferior epigastric artery does the indirect hernia enter the internal inguinal ring?
lateral to the inferior epigastric artery
Name the hollow concave formation that is located on the radial side of the wrist that is clearly demarcated when the thumb is fully extended.
anatomical snuffbox
List the contents of the middle mediastinum.
heart, pericardium
Name the nine regions of the abdomen.
right and left hypochondrium, right and left flank, right and left groin (inguinal), epigastric, umbilical, and pubic region