REG13 Flashcards
In a liquidating distribution what is the basis in property distributed when there is also cash received?
The liquidating partner’s basis in (noncash) property received is any excess of AB in the partnership interest before distribution over any amount of money received.
When is gain recognized on a distribution to a partner?
Only to the extent that money distributed > the partner’s AB. It would be capital gain. The adjusted AB of the property to the partnership will be the amount treated as distributed.
If inventory is sold within 5 years of the distribution, is there a gain recognized?
Yes, the sale of the inventory within 5 years of the distribution is an ordinary gain; therefore, the $1,000 gain (sale price – Original AB).
What are “hot assets” of a partnership?
A sale or exchange of a partnership interest results in capital gain or loss, except that any gain realized attributable to “hot assets” is ordinary income. “Hot assets” include unrealized receivables and inventory.
If both assets and services are contributed for partnership interest, how do you calculate the value of the services?
FMV of services = FMV of the P interest – FMV of assets contributed
Does a partner recognize OI if he sells his partnership interest when there are unrealized receivables?
Yes, OI = unrealized receivables x %
Is the basis of partnership property adjusted as the result of a transfer of a partnership interest when there is an election under Sec. 754 in effect?
Yes, when the Sec. 754 election is in effect, a partnership increases the AB of the partnership property by the excess of the basis to the transferee partner of his or her interest in the partnership over his or her proportionate share of the AB of the partnership property, but the increase belongs only to the purchasing partner.
If a partner contributed land with a FMV of $100,000 and a tax basis of $60,000 in exchange for a 1/3 interest in the partnership and then during its first year of operation, the partnership sold the land to an unrelated third party for $160,000, how is the gain accounted for?
Must first allocate any precontribution gain or loss to the contributing partner, followed by their proportionate share of the gain or loss.
In this case, a built-in $40,000 gain. Upon disposition, the partnership realizes a gain of $100,000. Of this gain, $40,000 is allocated as precontribution gain. The remaining gain of $60,000 is shared equally among the partners per the partnership agreement. One partner has a total gain of $60,000 [$40,000 precontribution gain + ($60,000 remaining gain ÷ 3)] and the other two partners each report a gain of $20,000 ($60,000 remaining gain ÷ 3).
If a question says employed to work for an agreed salary and a promise to give him a % ownership interest if he were still employed at the end of 3 years, how do you calculate the interest?
There is income = to the FMV value of the partnership interest must be recognized by the partner. A partner’s basis in his or her partnership interest received for services rendered is equal to the income recognized. Net worth of partnership interest x %.
Would SL depreciation be a required adjustment to TI in computing current earnings and profits?
Since SL depreciation was used in computing both the corporation’s tax and current E&P, it does not require an adjustment.
When figuring the basis in property distributed between two pieces, what do you do?
Assign basis of property. Figure the difference between partnership basis and AB assigned to properties…allocate this difference. Take FMV of each property - AB of each property…use these difference as a % to allocate the remaining basis that needs to be allocated.
If there is a gain in a distribution over the basis of a retiring partner, when is it recognized?
Gain on a distribution is recognized only to the extent money distributed exceeds the partner’s basis in the interest. This gain is only recognized after all basis has been recovered.
When contributing services to a partnership, what is income to the new partner?
FMV of net assets x Ownership %
Is an interest free loan considered income to a partner?
The $10,000 interest-free loan is not considered income to the partner.
Is there a gain or loss recognized by a partnership if receivables are distributed?
Under Sec. 751(b), when more unrealized receivables are distributed to a partner than his share, there is a gain or loss and it is ordinary. The excess accounts receivable will be ordinary income to the partnership.
Is QC an expense subject to the Uniform Capitalization Rules of Code Sec. 263A?
Yes, a manufacturer capitalizes costs for construction of real or tangible personal property to be used or sold in a trade or business. Both direct costs and most allocable indirect costs necessary to prepare for sale to customers must be capitalized.
If a shareholder guarantees a loan to an S corporation, does the loan increase the SH’s basis?
No, the loan does not increase the shareholder’s basis. If, however, the SH makes payments on the loan, the payments increase the basis.
If the simple trust instrument provides that capital gains are allocable to corpus, what does that mean?
Simple trusts require no distribution of principal and are taxed on the income required to be distributed. So, the ST capital gain allocated to corpus (principal) is not taxable because it was not distributed.
If a reserve for depreciation is required under the trust instrument, is the depreciation deductible?
The depreciation is allocated to and deductible by the trust.
If no reserve were required under the trust instrument or local law, the beneficiaries would be entitled to the depreciation deduction, since the trust must distribute all of its income currently.
Can a simple trust accumulate income, provide for charitable contributions, and distribute amounts other than income?
No, that would be a complex trust. A simple trust cannot distribute principal.
Is the trust or the beneficiary taxed on distributable net income (DNI)?
DNI is the maximum amount deductible at the fiduciary level (trust) and the maximum taxable at the beneficiary level. So if the trust distributed more than the amount of DNI, the trust will have no TI. The beneficiary’s taxable amount is limited to the share of DNI, the beneficiary’s taxable amount is DNI.
If there is no reserve for depreciation in an estate and there is depreciation for the year, what amount is deductible by the estate?
Section 642(e) allows an estate to deduct depreciation only to the extent not allowable to beneficiaries. So the deduction is apportioned between the estate and the beneficiaries based on the income allocable to each.
If spouses are gift-splitting, do they file joint or separate gift tax returns?
Must file separate gift tax returns and report one-half of each gift on each return before applying the $15,000 annual exclusions. If the gift is less than the exclusion, the couple does not file.
Are life insurance proceeds included in the gross estate as taxable income?
Life insurance proceeds are included in the gross estate, but NOT taxable income.
What are three reasons a gift tax return (Form 709) is filed?
Filed for gifts that exceed $15,000 and were split with a spouse.
If more than $15,000 is gifted to any one done.
If any of the gifts were of a future interest.
Is interest received related to a state tax refund taxable?
Interest on state income tax refunds is not excludable and is included in GI. If the standard deduction is claimed, the state tax paid produced no tax benefit and is excluded from GI.
A corporation required to file Form 1099-DIV for a tax year with the IRS must do so by what date?
Filed on or before February 28 of the year following the year in which gross dividends of $10 or more are paid to shareholders.
Are stock issuance costs capitalized for tax purposes?
No, stock issuance costs are not permitted to be capitalized and amortized under either the start-up cost or the organizational expense rules.
What is a wash sale and how is the basis of stock affected?
It means that substantially the same stock was purchased within 30 days. No gain/loss realized on the wash sale and the disallowed loss is added to the basis of the stock purchased in the wash sale.
How many years can capitalized costs of certain Sec. 197 intangibles, including goodwill, be amortized for tax purposes?
Amortized over a 15-year period beginning on the date of acquisition.
If using 40 years for Book, would need to adjust the amortization expense on the M-1 reconciliation. ).