REG08 Flashcards
With a wash sale what happens to the capital loss that is disallowed (deferred)?
The disallowed loss is added to the basis of the stock repurchased in the wash sale. So, the basis of repurchased shares is (repurchased shares x purchase price) + disallowed loss. The new cost basis of the stock is basis of repurchased shares / shares purchased.
When a nonbusiness bad debt becomes worthless, can you take a loss?
Yes, the loss that results is treated as a short-term capital loss.
What is the amount of loss realized on disposition or worthlessness of Sec. 1244 stock and how would the remaining amount be handled?
Up to $100,000 (if MFJ) of loss for Sec. 1244 stock is treated as an ordinary loss. The remaining is a capital loss. If no capital gains to offset, take the $3K against OI and the remaining loss must be carried forward.
In an installment sale how do you find the total contract price when a mortgage is assumed by buyer?
The total contract price is selling price – mortgage assumed by buyer. Then, the gross profit ratio is Gain / Contract Price.
Payment × GP% = Gain recognized
For determining loss on the sale of property acquired by gift, can the basis exceed the FMV of the property at the date of the gift?
No, the basis may not exceed the FMV of the property at the date of the gift.
What is the basis of property received in exchange for service?
The fair market value of the property received.
What is Sec 1250 gain?
The 25% rate basket consists of unrecaptured Sec. 1250 gain. Unrecaptured Sec. 1250 gain is LT capital gain, not otherwise recaptured as ordinary income, attributed to prior depreciation of real property and is from property held for more than 12 months.
Is nonbusiness bad debt a short-term capital loss?
Yes, nonbusiness bad debt is a ST capital loss, which should be subtracted capital gain.
If an individual realizes a CG on the sale of publicly traded stock and uses the proceeds from the sale within 60 days to purchase stock in a specialized small business investment company (SBIC), what occurs with the gain?
The individual may elect to defer recognition of the gain (Sec. 1044). Gain must be recognized currently to the extent the sales proceeds exceed the cost of the new stock. An annual ceiling of $50,000, or a lifetime ceiling of $500,000 - the excluded gain for prior tax years, of exclusion in any tax year.
Are state and local real property taxes and state and local personal property taxes deductible?
Yes, state and local real property taxes and state and local personal property taxes are deductible. Also allowed is a deduction for state income taxes and a deduction of state and local sales tax in lieu of state income tax. Since these taxes are not allowed as a deduction for AGI, they are itemized deductions, and are reported on Schedule A.
Under section 1202 is there a gain exclusion for the sale or exchange of small business stock and what are the requirements?
Taxpayers may exclude 50% of the gain if held for more than 5 years. Becomes 75% if issued after 02/17/2009 and 100% if issued after 09/27/2010.
How do you compute a realized gain if a gift and gift tax was paid?
Gift Tax Paid x (FMV @ time of gift - Donor’s basis) / (FMV @ time of gift - Exclusion - $15K)
Donor’s Basis + above calc = Basis used to calculate gain/loss.
If have a $5,000 loss on a 5-year-old building that was destroyed in a fire, what is the character of the loss?
If there is a net loss for the year from involuntary conversion of property, including by fire, used in the trade or business or capital assets held long-term for investment or in connection with a trade or business, the loss is treated as an ordinary loss.
When do you use a dual basis for stock received as a gift?
When the FMV of the stock is less than the basis at the date of the gift.
If later transferred for more than FMV but for less than the donor’s basis at the date of the gift, no gain (loss) is recognized.
What is the basis of a gift of property?
Property acquired as a gift generally retains the rollover cost basis it had in the hands of the donor at the time of the gift, unless the FMV is lower than the basis.
How do you calculate the shares when there is a 3-for-2 stock split?
of Shares x 3 / 2
In a tax-free transaction, how would you calculate the basis of property received?
It is the same as the basis of the property given up. For Example, give up 2,000 shares with a basis of $2 each (basis of $4,000) for 4,000 shares. New basis is $1 each (4000 shares / $4,000 basis of property given up).
Can a related party reduce any gain realized by the amount of a disallowed loss?
Yes, if the recipient of stock subsequently disposes of it at a gain, they are permitted to reduce any gain realized by the amount of any disallowed loss.
Would a partner who owns 50% be able to realize and recognize a LT capital loss on the sale of stock to the partnership?
Yes, under Sec. 1001, would realize and recognize a LT capital loss on the sale of stock to the partnership, if held the stock for more than a year.
If had owned > 50% interest in the capital or profits, would not be able to report loss on the sale.
How do you calculate the recognized gain for an installment sale?
Is equal to the GP ratio x the amount of payments received in the year.
When is the installment method disallowed?
The installment method is usually disallowed for dispositions of property by dealers. Including any disposition of (1) personal property, if the person regularly sells such personal property on the installment plan, and (2) real property held by the taxpayer for sale to customers in the ordinary course of his or her trade or business
What may an individual exclude on the sale of a principal residence and are their any requirements?
May exclude $250,000 ($500,000 for MFJ). Need to have lived there for at least 2 years.
If the sale occurred prior to 2 years, ans as a result of a qualified hardship, may exclude a pro rate share, months lived in home / 24 months x $250K or $500K.
What gain is recognized on a like-kind exchange?
Gain is recognized on a like-kind exchange = the lesser of gain realized or boot received.
If the SL method of depreciation is used, is there depreciation recapture?
There is no depreciation recapture if the SL method was used (Sec. 1250)
Under Sec. 1239(a) what is the gain recognized on the sale of property between related persons?
It is ordinary income if the property is depreciable in the hands of the transferee. Related persons include a taxpayer and a more than 50%-owned entity.
What is Sec. 1231 property?
Held for more than 1 year and is all real or depreciable property used in a trade or business. Sec. 1231 property gain would normally be LT capital gain.
What is the gain on the disposition of Sec. 1245 property?
It is ordinary income to the extent of the lesser of all depreciation taken or gain realized.