refuge Flashcards
what does it mean to take refuge?
reciting the refuge formula, associate with the clam and and safety say from negativity in the world
what is the refuge formula?
I take refuge in the buddha
I take refuge in the Dhamma
I take refuge in the sangha
what is the refuge formula also known as?
the three jewels because they are so precious and valuable to a Buddhist
what do buddhists identify when they take refuge?
they consciously identify enlightenment as their ultimate aim putting their trust in their own enlightenment potential
what methods can buddhists do to take refuge?
- participating in refuge ceremony: making commitment to buddhism
- As an act of worship throughout their lives: recite refuge formula every day
- focusing their life on the three jewels and identifying these as sources
what does it mean for Theravada buddhists to take refuge?
means realising the buddhas historic role in discovering path to enlightenment and teaching the Dhamma. they express gratitude to him and recall his life. they may show respect to statues.
what does it mean for mahayanas to take refuge?
there are different forms of understanding the term Buddha, called the 3 body doctrine: Nirmankaya, sambhogakaya, Dharmakaya
what is the three body doctrine?
nirmanakaya- “form body” or the physical person who becomes enlightened, all enlightened beings
sambhogakaya: “bliss body” it refers to bodhisattvas who have transcended into celestial realms
Dharmakaya: “body of truth” the ultimate truth which is known to the enlightened mind which transcends space and time
what other refuges can Mahayana buddhists take?
- take refuge in particular bodhisattva such as buddha Amida for pure land buddhists
- taking refuge in spiritual master who has reached enlightenment and has upaya such as Dalia Lama
- take refuge in buddha nature within yourself rathe than external for zen buddhists
what does it mean to take refuge in the Dhamma?
encompasses range of meanings
- the teachings of the buddha contained in the Tipitaka
- the buddhist path- wisdom, sila and mental discipline
- the universal truth of the universe- three lakshanas
- Mahayana might add on Mahayana sutras e.g lotus sutra
- teachings of Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hahn
what does it mean to take refuge In the sangha for Theravada buddhists?
includes the fourfold sangha- monks, nuns, lay men, and lay women
when buddhist takes refuge in the monastic sangha, they recognition role it plays in community such as: religious ceremonies, giving dharma teaching, building up field of merit
what does it mean to take refuge in the sangha for mahayana buddhists?
there are some different interpretations of the sangha. this includes bodhisattvas who can be role models or guides to enlightenment.
for some branches there is little or no distinction between monks and lay people
when would a heritage buddhist say refuge formula for first time?
when they are old enough to commit to the sangha, usually 7
when would a convert buddhist say refuge formula for first time?
when they first join buddhism
what are the refuges in the west and are they different to buddhist refuges?
- western refuges such as money, sex, alcohol, are not really satisfying, and are only distractions. whereas refuges of buddhism offer real escape from dukkha
- western refuges are not lasting, the only lasting refuge is enlightenment
- western refuge is materialistic and self centred, buddhist based on rejection of desire
how are Western and buddhist refuges similar?
- the sangha is no different to the communities we turn to in the west, family and friends. all share values and support each other
- many western values are similar to dhamma teachings, film and literature teach true happiness doesn’t come through selfishness
is going for refuge relevant in the modern world?
YES: it offers such contrast to refuges of modern world, which are unsatisfactory, impermanent and materialistic.
As buddhism spreads it became important for converts to have ceremony and sangha to turn to for refuge
NO: the sangha isn’t relevant in modern society, based on segregation and two tier system.
the sangha doesn’t fit with modern notions of equality as it is sexist
how is the Buddha the most important of the three refuges?
buddhism means accepting that the buddha was enlightened and accepting his analysis of life as truth shown in the tipitaka
it means identifying enlightenment as ones own goal, and putting their trust in own enlightenment potential (Mahayana belief of buddha nature)
how is the Dhamma the most important of the three refuges?
buddhists don’t believe they should accept the teaching of the buddha on his authority alone, instead should realise truths for themselves through meditation and reflection.
the dhamma includes the way a buddhist lives their life which helps them reach enlightenment
how is the sangha the most important of the three refuges?
the sangha plays vital role in society such as religious ceremonies, teaching others, moral conduct, building up field of merit.
what is nirmanakaya?
nirmanakaya- “form body” or the physical person who becomes enlightened, all enlightened beings
what is samhogakaya?
samhogakaya: “bliss body” it refers to bodhisattvas who have transcended into celestial realms
what is Dharmakaya?
Dharmakaya: “body of truth” the ultimate truth which is known to the enlightened mind which transcends space and time