Refractive Errors, Glaucoma, and Cataracts Flashcards
What visual acuity meets criteria for low vision?
Less than 20/40
What defines legally blind on visual acuity?
20/200 or worse
What is the leading cause of blindness or low vision?
Age-related (older age)
What is the problem in the refractive error, myopia?
Loss of near-sightedness
What is the problem in the refractive error, hyperopia?
Loss of farsightedness
What is the problem in the refractive error, astigmatism?
Distorted vision at all distances
What is the problem in the refractive error, presbyopia?
Loss of ability to focus up close (i.e. reading)
What are the primary presenting symptoms of refractive errors?
Blurred Vision**
Ocular surface desiccation from excessive staring: eye irritation, itching, fatigue
Perceived imbalance, dizziness, stumbling
What are the symptoms of refractive errors in children?
Excessive blinking/rubbing of the eyes
What is the diagnosis for refractive errors?
Visual acuity
Comprehensive eye exam (ophthalmologist/optometrist)
What are the guidelines regarding how ofter visual acuity and refraction testing should be done?
Should be done every 1-2 years
What is the treatment for refractive errors?
Contact lenses
Refractive surgery
What is the cause of amblyopia?
Functional reduction in visual acuity of an eye caused by disuse during visual development
What is the diagnosis for amblyopia?
Early Screening
Additional testing: cover test, conver-uncover test, refraction, opthalmoscopy, slit lamp
How can strabismus be confirmed?
Alternate cover test or cover-uncover test
How can ophthalmologists confirm anisometropia?
Refraction on each eye
What is the treatment of amblyopia?
Eyeglasses or contact lenses
Cataract Removal
Atropine drops (falling out of favor)
Treat strabismus with patching if present
What is the most common cause of irreversible central vision loss in older patients?
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
What is the treatment cocktail for dry AMD?
Zinc Oxide
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
What is the treatment for wet AMD?
Intravitreal injection of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF)
Reanibizuman, vevacizumab, or aflibercept
What is the most common type of glaucoma in the U.S.?
Primary, open-angle glaucoma
What racial group develops more severe open-angle glaucoma, and typically develops at an earlier age compared to other groups?
What is the cornerstone to diagnosing open angle glaucoma?
Visual field testing