Nose and Paranasal Sinuses Flashcards
On average, how many URI’s do preschool aged children have per year?
5-7 episodes
On average, how many URI’s do adults have per year?
2-3 episodes
Do adults typically have a fever in the setting of URI?
No, fever is uncommon in adults
What is the diagnosis work-up for URI’s?
Clinical diagnosis
What are some common physical exam findings of a URI?
Conjunctival injection, nasal mucosal swelling, pharyngeal erythema, exudates, cobbelstoning
What are risk factors for increased URI severity?
What is the most common forms of rhinitis?
Allergic rhinitis
Vasomotor rhinitis
Rhinitis medicamentosa
What kind of immune response causes allergic rhinitis?
IgE response
What type of cough maybe present in allergic rhinitis?
Dry cough
What will be the nasal physical exam findings in allergic rhinitis?
Pale, boggy or bluish nasal mucosa (venous engorgement)
“Allergic Salute” in kids
What is the role for intranasal corticosteroids when treating allergic rhinitis?
Shrink nasal polyps and mucosa
In elderly, what nerve sensitivity causes vasomotor rhinitis?
Vidian nerve
What is the treatment for vasomotor rhinitis?
Avoid irritant
What is the cause of green boogers?
Breakdown of WBC, does not indicate bacterial infection
What is the most common etiology of acute sinusitis?
Viral infection