Reformation (Luther) Flashcards
What problem did Luther have with a monk named Tetzel?
he was selling Indulgences
What is and Indulgence?
a pardon from sin bought from the church
What was the Reformation?
A movement in the 1500’s to change the Catholic Church
Who is a protestant?
Term for someone who supported Luther and his ideas and was against Catholic loyalists in Germany
What started the Protestant Reformation?
Luther nailing his “95 Theses” on the church doors
In 1520, Luther is _____________.
When was “The Peace of Augsburg” signed?
Who fought the Protestant Prines for 20 years?
Charles V
The peace settlement allowed each ruler to determine their states religious preference. (TRUE OR FALSE)
broke Englands ties with Catholic Church for political and personal reasons
King Henry VIII
English Parliament approves “Act of Supremacy” in _____.
Why did Henry VIII need break his ties with the church?
He needed to divorce his wife to get a male heir, and the church wouldn’t allow him to do so
The Parliament created what church in 1559?
Who tries to invade England in 1588?
Spanish Armada
What 2 factors helped the English defeat the Spanish Armada?
Bad weather and Fire Ships
took up what Luther began; organized the doctrine to the new Protestant Faith
John Calvin
What are the Calvanism beliefs?
People are sinful in nature; only the ‘Elect’ will be saved; says God has known the ‘Elect’ since the beginning; government should be in the hands of religious leaders (A Theocracy”; government should be ruled by laws of morality
Who adopted the ideas of Calvanism?
the Puritans (Pilgrims)
French Calvinists were called _______.
Who brought Calvanism to Scotland?
John Knox