Reform and development of apartheid under Verwoerd and Vorster Flashcards
When was the Bantu Self - government Act?
What did the 1959 Bantu self-government act entail?
Gov planned to grant them all independence so no longer under obligation to help
had to assemble ‘national’ political institutions do dispel appearance of political repression
Cut financial costs
In late 70’s. number of residents in a 4 room home was 14
Who became PM in 1958?
What did Verwoerd prom use when he became PM?
Promised that South Africa would be an all white country by 1978
When was the Extension of University Education Act?
what did the 1959 Extension of University Education Act entail?
non-whites banned from attending white uni’s
only allowed to attend separate colleges
education limited even further
When was the Ninety Day Act?
1963 (also know as General Law Amendment Act)
What did the Ninety Day Act entail?
Meant that people could be arrested and detained for 90 days without trial
When used people were often immediately recaptured after release
People falsely imprisoned
When was Verwoerd assassinated?
When was Vorster president?
What was idealist apartheid?
blacks completely separate from whites
live in separate areas of the country
not allowed jobs
What was practical apartheid?
blacks separated as far as possible from whites
black labour needed
didn’t pay high wages
when was the Tomlinson Report?
what did the 1955 Tomlinson report result in?
Black reserves (13% of country) should be increased in size and become homelands
Gov spending approx £100 million to improve farming and industry in homelands
how many people registered as living in Transeki homeland lived outside of it?
what % of people living in Qwa Qwa homeland lived outside of it?
state 3 ways the Bantustans affected rulers?
Verwoerd under pressure from white industrialists so didn’t allow industry to develop in them
rulers of Bantustans drew big salaries - 1970 income in Transeki was 169 rand but council members gained 17,000 a year
tried to create a black middle class and depend on them for high wages and standard of living
State 6 ways the Bantustans affect the public?
Forced to leave homes
Some homelands tiny so overcrowded
suffered poverty, disease and malnutrition
1,129,000 black people removed from white farms
1,616,000 removed from white urban areas
Placed on land that seemed infertile
By 1970 what % of black people lived in Bantustans
Between 1960-1983 how many people were relocated under the Group Areas Act?
3.5 million
By 1960 what % of the black population was in homelands?
How big was the Qwa Qwa homeland and how many people were in it?
25,000 people in 25 square miles
What did events at Sharpeville result in?
Lost lots of foreign investor confidence but didn’t really affect local economy as local capital filled in missing gaps
Why did the Bantustans have quite a large cost?
transporting workers every day
what was the GNP of SA?
Over 5% per anumn
what happened to Transeki in 1963?
became first Bantustan to have its own parliament elected by blacks
When did Transeki gain independence?
What was imposed on all South Africans in 1970?
homeland citizenship
What were given out in bantustans in an attempt to create local capitalists?
loans and grants
what were the 3 options for black migrant workers?
Live in a hostel - only see family for a few weeks a year
Commute daily - e.g workers in Kwandebele spent up to 8 hours s dat travelling to Pretoria and back. Some busses left as early as 2:30 am
squatter camps had been set up in areas but government often trampled these
When was the Bantu Labour Act?
What did the Bantu Labour Act do?
Prohibited blacks from seeking work in towns
could only gain work through state labour bureaux
limited amount of work
What did many black workers begin to find?
that they weren’t needed due to replacement by machinery
What happened to urban construction for black families?
Stopped - in Pretoria not 1 house was built for a black family between 1967-76
What were Africans banned from doing in 1968?
Owning property in towns
How did urban employers react to influx control?
some opposed total influx control which raised the question that apartheid didn’t aid capitalist interest
How did repression of citizens benefit SA’s economy?
As workers were paid so low, firms earned very large profits. many foreign investors returned to the country wanting the profits that the repression earned