Reflexes Flashcards
Crossed Extension
sharp pressure to sole of foot or palm. Cause withdrawl of stimulated foot and extension of opposite leg. 0-2 month
Primary Walking Reaction
infant placed in standing, trunk tilted foward, reciprical stepping motion is seen. 0-2 months
Galant Incurvation Reaction
strok along side from scapula to iliac crest. cause lateral trunk flexion 0-2 months
Flexor withdrawl
sharp pressure to sole of foot or palm. Cause withdrawl of stimulated foot or palm of hand. 0-2 months
stroke lateral aspect of plantar surface of foot. xtension and fanning of tos occur. 0-12 months
Primary Standing reaction
infant is in supported standing. infant support some weight and extend lower extremity. If this stage does not progress can interfere with walking.
Neonatal Neck righting
NOB- neck righting on body. turn baby head while in supine and baby logg roll to same side heis/her head was turn.0-6 months
Moro Reflex
sudden extension of nexk results in flexion, abduction of shoulders extension of elbows, and then extension abduction of shoulders, flexion of elbows 0-4 months.
perioral stroke results in head turning to side with mouth open.0-3 months
touch to lips tongue and palate results in autonomic sucking. 0-6 months
Tonic Labyrinthine reflex
pron position results in max flexor tone and supine reults in max extension tone. If reflex persist may inhibit infants ability to roll due to increased tone 0-6 months
Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex
rotation of head results in extension of UE and LE on face side and flexion of UE and LE on skull side. If reflex persist may result in scoliosis, hip dislocation, and interfere with grasping. 0-5 months
Palmar grasp
stimulus against palm results in grasp of object with slow release. 0-4 months
Plantar grasp
stimulus to sole or lowering feet to floor results in toes curling up. Must be integrated before walking. 0-9 months
Placing reaction
drag dorsum of foot or hand on table get placing of foot or hand on table. 0-6 months
Traction or ppull to sit (pull infant to sit from supine)
upper extremity will flex while showing a head lag 4-5 months
optical and labyrinthine righting
head orients itself to a vertical position when the body is tilted. TEST with the eyes blind folded. 1 month throughout life.
Protective extension
trunk goes into downward direction…. to catch weightDownward- 4 months, Sideward sit- 6months, Forward sit 7 months, Backward sit 9 moths These reaction persist throughout life
Body righting reacion (BOH)
contact of body with solid surface causes head righting. interacts with labyrinthine reaction. used to maintain orientation of head in space 4-6 months.
Body righting reaction acting on the body
rotation of head or thrax causes rolling over with rotation between the trunk and pelvis begins 6-8 months
Symmetric tonic neck reflex
extension of cervical joints causes extenson of upper extremities and flexion of lower extremities. Flexion of the cervical joints causes flexion of the upper extremities and extension of the lower extremities. (6-8 months)
Landau reaction
if infant is held in ventral suspension extension of the neck, trunk and hips. 4-8 months
Tilting reaction
shifting of BOS or displacement of body in space results in lateral flexion of spine toward elevated side of support, Abd of extremities on elevated side, and sometimes trunk rotation toward elevated side. Prone 5mth, Supine 7mth, sit 8mths, quadped 12mth