Ranchos Los Amigos Flashcards
What is the type of patient response at Ranchos Los Amigos Level I?
No response; the individual appears to be in a deep sleep and is completely unresponsive to any stimuli presented to him or her.
What type of assist is needed for a patient at Level I?
Total Assist
What is the type of patient response at Ranchos Los Amigos Level II?
Generalized response. The patient reacts inconsistently and non purposefully to a stimuli in a nonspecific nature. Responses are limited in nature and are usually the same regardless of the stimuli. Responses are often delayed.
What type of assist is needed for a patient at Level II?
Total Assist
What is the type of patient response at Ranchos Los Amigos Level III?
Localized response. The patient reacts specifically but inconsistently to stimuli. Responses are related to the type of stimuli presented. Patient may follow simple commands inconsistently. May show vague awareness of self (e.g. pulling on NG tube). May show bias towards specific individuals.
What type of assist is needed for a patient at Level III?
Total assist
What is the type of patient response at Ranchos Los Amigos Level IV?
Confused, agitated. Increased state of activity with decreased ability to process information. The patient is detached from the present and responds to their own internal confusion. Behavior can be described as bizarre and non purposeful. Verbalization is incoherent and inappropriate. Short attention span. May be able to perform motor activities but they are not purposeful.
What type of assist is needed for a patient at Level IV?
Max Assist
What is the type of patient response at Ranchos Los Amigos Level V?
Confused, inappropriate and non-agitated. The patient is able to respond to simple commands fairly consistently. With increased complexity and lack of external structure the responses are non purposeful and random. The patient may exhibit agitated behavior as a result of external stimuli. Patient is highly distractable. Memory is impaired Often shows inappropriate use of items. Management may be difficult as the patient is able to physically ambulate and may want to go home.
What type of assist is needed for a patient at Level V?
Max Assist
What is the type of patient response at Ranchos Los Amigos Level VI?
Confused and appropriate. Shows goal directed behavior but is dependent on external direction for support. Patient is able to tolerate unpleasant stimuli when the need is explained. Patient can follow simple directions and evidence for carry over is demonstrated. Patient begins to understand what is going on and understand they may not know the answer. Has increased awareness of staff, family and basic needs. Shows needs in an appropriate manner.
What type of assist is needed for a patient at Level VI?
Max-Mod Assist
What type of assist is needed for a patient at Level VII?
Mod Assist
What type of assist is needed for a patient at Level VIII
What type of assist is needed for a patient at Level IX
What type of assist is needed for a patient at Level X
Mod I
What type of behavior does a patient at Level X demonstrate?
Purposeful, appropriate. Able to handle multiple tasks in any environment but may need breaks. Independently initiates and carries out steps to complete tasks. Anticipates impact of impairment.
What type of behavior does a patient at Level IX demonstrate?
Purposeful, appropriate, SBA on request. Independently shifts back and forth between tasks for 2 hours.
Initiates and carries out familiar tasks with assistance if requested. May be easily irritable. Able to self-monitor appropriateness for social interactions with SBA.
What type of behavior does a patient at Level VIII demonstrate?
Purposeful and appropriate. May be able to carry over new learning if the patients feels it is going to be useful in their life. Independent in home and community skills, including driving. May still show decreased ability compared to post morbid level.
What type of behavior does a patient at Level VII demonstrate?
Automatic and appropriate. Appears oriented within the hospital and home settings and daily activities. Almost robot like. Lacks insight into their condition.
Level VI
What stage is goal-oriented behavior occurs with some cueing?
Level V
What stage is some attention to task but struggles with focusing on some tasks?
Level II
What stage is non-purposeful response to stimuli?
Level VIII
What stage is difficulty still exists with complex tasks and unexpected circumstances?
Level IV
What stage is prone to outbursts?
Level V
What stage is simple commands are consistently responded to; complex tasks are almost impossible?
Level III
What stage is inconsistent responses that are related to the stimuli?
Level I
What stage is unresponsive to stimuli?
Level VI
What stage is orientation increases?
Level IV
What stage is safety is a big concern?
Level II
What stage is altered vital signs in response to stimuli?
Level V
What stage is motor learning becomes possible?
Level V
What stage is frustration is high?
Level VII
What stage is able to go through daily routine automatically but struggles with new tasks?
Level IV
What stage is very short attention span?
Level III
What stage is possible to follow simple commands but with a delayed response time?
Level VIII
What stage is doesn’t need supervision for learned activities?
Levels I, II & III
What stage(s) best utilizes may have ROM restrictions from initial orthopedic injuries?
Level IV
What stage(s) best utilizes difficult to work with due to confused, agitated state?
Levels I, II & III
What stage(s) best utilizes completing activities hand-over-hand?
Level IV
What stage(s) best utilizes maintain a calm, focused demeanor when working with the patient?
Levels I, II & III
What stage(s) best utilizes increase arousal and orientation through sensory stimulation?
Level IV
What stage(s) best utilizes establish a daily routine?
Level V & VI
What stage(s) best utilizes patient can follow simple commands easily?
Level I, II & III
What stage(s) best utilizes educate family regarding PROM, sensory stimulation, positioning, etc?
Level V & VI
What stage(s) best utilizes daily journal or memory book?
Level IV
What stage(s) best utilizes keep environmental stimuli to a minumum?
Level VII & VIII
What stage(s) best utilizes emphasize independence?
Level VII & VIII
What stage(s) best utilizes challenge righting and equilibrium responses?
Level VII & VIII
What stage(s) best utilizes teach compensatory strategies?
Level I, II & III
What stage(s) best utilizes use of book to facilitate memory and orientation?
Level I, II & III
What stage(s) best utilizes avoid abstract concepts and use of slang?
Level IV
What stage(s) best utilizes consider group treatment for peer modeling of appropriate behaviors?
Level IV
What stage(s) best utilizes emphasize safety?
Level I, II & III
What stage(s) best utilizes primitive reflexes may influence movement?