Reflexes Flashcards
Assymetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR)
- “Fencer’s pose”
- When head is turned to one side, arm and leg on face side extend and arm and leg on scalp side flex.
- Normal age: Birth - 6mo
Abnormal Persistence of ATNR
- Visual tracking
- Rolling
- Development of crawling
- Leads to skeletal deformities (scoliosis, hip subluxation/dislocation)
Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR)
- When head is flexed, arms flex and legs extend.
- When head is extended, arms extend and legs flex.
- Normal Age: 6-12mo
Abnormal Persistence of STNR
- Ability to prop on arms in prone
- Attaining and maintaining quadruped
- Reciprocal crawling
- Sitting balance when looking around
- Use of hands when looking at object in hands in sitting
Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (TLR)
- When baby is tilted head stays upright.
- In supine, body and extremities are held in extension.
- In prone, bod and extremities are held in flexion.
- Normal age: Birth - 6mo
Abnormal Persistence of Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex
- Ability to initiate rolling
- Ability to prone prop on elbows with extended hips
- Ability to flex trunk and hips to come to sitting from supine
- Full body extension interferes with sitting and standing balance
Galant Reflex
- Touch to skin along one side of spine from shoulder to hip produces lateral flexion to side of stimulus
- Normal age: 30 weeks gestation - 2mo
Abnormal Persistence of Galant Reflex
- Development of sitting balance
- Can lead to scoliosis
Palmar Grasp Reflex
- Pressure to palm on ulnar side of hand produces finger flexion and strong grip.
- Normal age: Birth - 4mo
Abnormal Persistence of Palmar Grasp Reflex
- Ability to grasp and release objects voluntarily
- Weight bearing on open hand for propping, crawling, and protective responses
Plantar Grasp Reflex
- Pressure to base of toes produces toe flexion
- “Bird on a stick”
- Normal age: 28 weeks gestation - 9mo
Abnormal Persistence of Plantar Grasp Reflex
- Ability to stand with feet flat on surface
- Balance reactions and weight shifting in standing
Rooting Reflex
- Touch on cheek produces head rotation to same side with mouth open
- Normal age: 28 weeks gestation - 3mo
Abnormal Persistence of Rooting Reflex
- Oral-motor development
- Development of midline control of head
- Optical righting, visual tracking, and social interaction
Moro Reflex
- Head suddenly dropping in extension produces cry and arm abduction with fingers open, then arms cross trunk into adduction.
- Normal age: 28 weeks gestation - 5mo
Abnormal Persistence of Moro Reflex
- Balance reactions in sitting
- Protective responses in sitting
- Eye-hand coordination
- Visual tracking
Startle Reflex
- Loud, sudden noise produces cry and arms up, elbows stay flexed and fingers closed.
- Normal age: 28 weeks gestation - 5mo
Abnormal Persistence of Startle Reflex
- Sitting balance
- Protective responses in sitting
- Eye-hand coordination
- Visual tracking
- Social interation
Positive Support Reflex
- Weight placed on balls of feet when upright produces stiffening of trunk and legs into extension
- Normal age: 35 weeks gestation - 2mo
Abnormal Persistence of Positive Support Reflex
- Standing and walking
- Balance reactions and weight shift in standing
- Can lead to plantar flexion contractures
Walking (Stepping) Reflex
- Supported upright position with soles of feet on firm surface produces reciprocal flexion and extension of legs
- Normal age: 38 weeks gestation - 2mo
Abnormal Persistence of Stepping Reflex
- Standing and walking
- Balance reactions and weight shifting in standing
- Development of smooth, coordinated reciprocal movements of LEs