REED Lesson 1 quiz 2 review Flashcards
Divine revelation is humanity’s self-communication to God.
The members of the Magisterium, comprised of the pope, bishops, priests, and empowered lay members, are guided by the Holy Spirit as they convene together in order to address the current needs of the time.
WORDS proclaim, set in motion, interpret, promise, contextualize, identify, preserve, and clarify the mystery-in-scriptures.
We are created in the image and likeness of God such as He is…
holy, merciful, loving, and generous
The living Word of God allows us to relate our personal experiences to the experiences of real people long ago who were chosen to bear His divine communication.
What should be our proper inquiry in this course about “knowing God?”
How does God make himself known to us?
Our conscience is a form of God’s “special revelation” that communicates to us individually through our hearts.
The revelation of God’s self and will is not meant to benefit Himself but humankind.
What are the important mediums of God in His general revelation?
Aristotle’s “Prime Mover” and Enlightenment’s “Deism” see God as a creator who remains indifferent to his creation.
Which Church document speaks about the revealing presence of God in one’s conscience by saying “Those also can attain to salvation who through no fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, yet sincerely seek God and moved by grace strive by their deeds to do His will as it is known to them through the dictates of conscience.”
Lumen Gentium (LG)
is both the “messenger” and “message” of God’s revelation.
Jesus Christ
The transcendence and immanence of God is taught in Historical Christianity as the “logos” who is “the originator of the world that became flesh.”
In revealing himself, God pre-determined our origin and destiny.
This divine quality speaks of God’s unfathomable mystery, whose being lies beyond all human limits and experience.
The magisterium always convenes together as one universal Church in order to…
respond to the current needs of the time
It is the “offering the full submission of intellect and will to God who reveals”.