Redpages Flashcards
Engine failure during TO run
Throttle idle
Brakes as req’d
Wing flaps retract
Mixture cutoff
Magnetos off
Engine failure after take off
Airspeed 65 (flaps up)
Mixture cut off
Fuel selector off
Ignition switch off
Flaps as req’d
Master off
Emergency landing without engine power
Airspeed 70 to 80 mph (65 kias)
Mixture cut off
Fuel selector off
Magnetos off
Flaps 40 degrees
Master off
Unlatch the doors
Touch down slightly tail low
Brakes heavily
Engine restart in flight
Airspeed 65 kt
Carb heat on
Fuel selector both
Mixture rich
Ignition switch on (start if windmilling)
Primer in and locked
Engine fire during start
Continue cranking
If start
Power 1700 rpm
Engine shutdown
If no start
Throttle full open
Mixture cutoff
Cranking continue
Engine secure
Magnetos off
Fuel selector off
Masters off
Fire extinguisher as req’d
Wing in fire
Navigation lights off
Pitot heat off
Anti collision lights off
Side slip to keep flames away
Land as soon as possible
Electrical fire
Masters off
Avionic off
All switches off
All vents closed
Extinguisher as req’d
Ventilate the cabin
Is electronics necessary for the flight? Yes
Masters on
Check faulty CB, do not reset
Radio off
Locate short circuit
Avionics on
Electrical systems on one at the time
Vents open
Cabin fire
Masters off
All vents off
Fire extinguisher as req’d
Ventilate cabin as req’d
Land as soon as possible
Mayday transmit
Jettison heavy objects
Check wind
Flaps 20-40
Descend at 300’/min 55 knots
Unlatch doors
Level attitude at touchdown
Protect head with cushion
Evacuate through cabin doors
Inflate life vest
Never exceed 160 knots
Maximal structural cruising speed 128 knots
Manoeuvring speed
97 knots at 2300 pounds
89 knots at 1950 pounds
80 knots at 1600 pounds
Flaps extended 85 knots
Best glide 65 knots
Best altitude gain for a given distance
59 knots
Best altitude gain for a given time
73 knots
Normal operating range of tachometer
2200-2700 RPM
Normal temperature range of Engine oil
100-245 F
Normal pressure range of Engine oil
min 25 psi
max 100 psi
Quelles sont les effets d’un masse et centrage vers l’avant d’un avion?
Vitesse de croisière plus grande
Récupération des décrochage meilleure
Consommation plus importante en carburant
Vitesses de décrochage plus grandes
Plus stable mais moins manoeuvrable