Redox tritation Flashcards
Are volumetric methods,based on oxidation/reduction reactions.According to the oxidizingagent used for titration,these methodsmaybedividedinto
Permanganometry Iodometry Bromatometry Chromatometry Cerimetry Vanadatometry
As working solution,standardizedKMnO4solutionis used . In storage, its concentration changes under the influence of the environment. Therefore KMnO4solutionis prepared of approximately0.05 N, and before the work the concentration is standardized against the standard solution of ______
oxalic acid
Further on, the reaction proceeds smoothly,because Mn2+ ions produced act as catalysts. This phenomenon is called ______. In acid medium,the purpleMnO4- ion is reduced to ___
colorless Mn2+ion
excess of the reductant is then titrated by working solution of KMnO4. Such an indirect titration is called ______
By the permanganometry, it is possible to determine the amounts of the following substances:
Nitrites, thiocyanates, hydrogen peroxide, ferroussalts, aldehydes, carboxylic and hydroxyacids and their salts
By the permanganometry, it is possible to determine the amounts of the following substances:
Nitrites, thiocyanates, hydrogen peroxide, ferrous salts, aldehydes, carboxylic and hydroxy acids and their salts
_______ allows determination of amounts of both reductant and oxidant.
titrationis carriedout usingiodinesolution,whichispreparedby weighingiodinecrystals,purifiedby sublimation. In this case,the reactionproceedsto the right
the solutionto be analyzedis reactedwithI- ions inexcess; in this stagethe partof I- ions,whichis equivalentto the amountof theanalyzedoxidant,is oxidizedto free iodine(I2), i.e. the reactionproceedsto the left . I2producedis thentitratedby the solutionof thiosulfate
for determination of oxidant
. Titration is carriedout until the single drop of Na2S2O3 makesthe solution colorless. Iodometry finds wide application for determination of oxidizingagents______-and reducingagents_____
Bothproductsof the reactionhaveno color,thereforefor the detectionof the equivalencepoint0.05- 0.1 % _____
Starch solution is used
Sodium thiosulfate is used colorless