Red Flags Flashcards
Gross Motor Red Flag
does not pull up to sit
4.5 months
Gross Motor Red Flag
does not roll over
5 months
Gross Motor Red Flag
does not sit without support
7 to 8 months
Gross Motor Red Flag
does not stand while holding on
9 to 10 months
Gross Motor Red Flag
not walking
15 months
Gross Motor Red Flag
not climbing up or down the stairs
2 years
Gross Motor Red Flag
not jumping on both feet
2.5 years
Gross Motor Red Flag
unable to stand on one foot momentarily
3 years
Gross Motor Red Flag
not hopping
4 years
Gross Motor Red Flag
unable to walk a straight line back and forth or balance on one foot for 5 to 10 seconds
5 years
Fine Motor Red Flags
persistence of grasp reflex
3.5 months
Fine Motor Red Flags
unable to hold a rattle
4 to 5 months
Fine Motor Red Flags
unable to hold an object in each hand
7 months
Fine Motor Red Flags
absence of pincer grasp
10 to 11 months
Fine Motor Red Flags
unable to put in or take out raisins
15 months
Fine Motor Red Flags
unable to remove socks or gloves alone
20 months
Fine Motor Red Flags
unable to stack five blocks, not scribbling
2 years
Fine Motor Red Flags
not turning a single page of a book
2.5 years
Fine Motor Red Flags
unable to stack eight blocks or draw a straight line
3 years
Fine Motor Red Flags
unable to stack ten blocks or copy a circle
4 years
Fine Motor Red Flags
unable to copy a square
4.5 years
Fine Motor Red Flags
unable to build a staircase of blocks or copy a cross
5 years
Language Red Flags
not babbling
5 to 6 months
Language Red Flags
not saying “da” or “ba”
8 to 9 months
Language Red Flags
not saying Dada or Baba
10 to 11 months
Language Red Flags
less than three words with meaning, unable to achieve shared attention
18 months
Language Red Flags
no two word phrases or repetition of phrases
2 years
Language Red Flags
not using at least one personal pronoun
2.5 years
Language Red Flags
speech only half uderstandable
3.5 years
Language Red Flags
does not understand preposition
example: “in,” “at,” “on,” “of,” and “to.”
4 years
Language Red Flags
not using proper syntax in short sentences
5 years
Cognitive Red Flags
not alert to mother with special interest
2 to 3 months
Cognitive Red Flags
not searching for dropped object
6 to 8 months
Cognitive Red Flags
no interest in peek-a-boo
8 to 9 months
Cognitive Red Flags
no interest in cause and effect games
12 months
Cognitive Red Flags
does not categorize similarities
2 years
Cognitive Red Flags
does not full name
3 years
Cognitive Red Flags
cannot pick shorter and longer of two lines
4 years
Cognitive Red Flags
cannot count sequentially
4.5 years
Cognitive Red Flags
does not know color or any letters
5 years
Cognitive Red Flags
does not know own birthday or address
5.5 years