Gross Motor Flashcards
Holds head steady while sitting
2 months. Allows more visual interaction
Pulls to sit, with no head lag
3 months. Muscle Tone
Brings hands together in midline
3 months. Self discovery of hands
Asymmetric tonic neck reflex gone
4 months. Can inspect hands in midline
Sits without support
6 months. Increasing exploration
Rolls back to stomach
6.5 months. Truncal Flexion, risk of falls
Walks alone
12 months. Exploration, conrtol of proximity to parents
16 months. Supervision more difficult
Crawls up stairs
15 months
Walks up stairs with 1 hand held
18 months
Runs well. Walks up and down stairs 1 step at a. time. opens doors, climbs on furniture. jumps.
24 months
Goes up stairs alternating feet
30 months
Rides tricycle. stands momentarily on 1 foot
36 months
hops on 1 foot. throws ball overhand.. uses scissors to cut out pictures. climbs well
48 months
60 months
raises head slightly farther, head sustained in plane of body on ventral supervision
3 months
tonic neck posture predominates. reaches toward and misses objects. waves at toy
3 months
head lag partially compensated when pulled to sitting position, early head control with bobbing motion, back rounded
3 months
lifts head and chest with head in approximately vertical axis; legs extended
4 months
rolls over, pivots, crawls or creep-crawls (knobloch)
7 months
lifts head, rolls over, squirms
7 months
sits briefly with support of pelvis, leans forward on hands back rounded. may support most of weight, bounces actively
7 months
reaches out for and grasps large object. transfers objects from hand to hand. grasps uses radial palm, rakes at raisin
7 months
sits up alone and indefinitely without support with back straight
10 months
pulls to standing position, cruises or walks holding on to furniture
10 months
walks with one hand held, rises independently, takes several steps
1 year old