Communication and Language Flashcards
Visual preference for human face
Neonatal Period (1st 4 weeks)
Mody movements in cadence with voice of other in social contact, beginning to smile
1 month
Smiles on social contact, listens to voice and coos
2 months
Sustained social contact, listens to music says “aah, ngah”
3 months
laughs out loud, may show displeasure if social contact is broken, excited at sight of food
4 months
Forms polysyllabic vowel sounds. Prefers mother, babbles, enjoys mirror, respons to changes in emotional contect of social contact
7 months
Repetitive consonant sounds (“mama” “dada”) Responds to sounds of name, plays -eek-a-boo or pat-a-cake, waves bye-bye
10 months
Says a few words besides “mama” “dada”. Plays simple ball game, makes postural adjustment to dressing
1 year
jargons, follows simple command, may name a familiar object (ball), responds to his or her namme.
15 months
Indicates some desires or needs by pointing; hugs parents
15 months
10 words (average) names pictures, identifies 1 or more parts of body
18 months
Feeds self, seeks help when in trouble, may complain when wet or soiled, kisses parent with pucker
18 months
Puts 3 words together (subject, verb, object)
24 months
handles spoon well, often tells about immediate experience, helps to undress, listens to stories when shown picture
24 months
refers to self by pronoun “I”, knows full name
30 months
Helps put things away, pretends in play
30 months
knows age and sex, counts 3 objects correctly, repeats 3 numbers or a sentence of 6 syllables, most of speech intelligible to strangers
36 months
counts 4 pennies accurately, tells story
48 months
names 4 colors, repeats sentence of 10 syllables, counts 10 pennies correctly
Dresses and undresses, ask questions about meaning of words, engages in domestic role-playing
60 months
Smiles in response to face, voice
1.5 months
More active social participant
Monosyllable babble
6 months
Experimentation with sound, tactile sense
Inhibits to “no”
7 months
responds to tone (nonverbal)
Follows 1-step command with gesture
7 months
nonverbal communication
Follows 1-step command without gesture
10 months
Verbal receptive language (e.g. “Give it to me”)
Says “mama” or “dada”
10 months
Expressive language
Points to objects
10 months
Interactive communication
Speaks real word
12 months
beginning of labeling
Speaks 4-6 words
15 months
Acquisition of objects and personal names
Speaks 10-15 words
18 months
Acquisition of objects and persona names
Speaks 2-word sentences (e.g “Mommy shoe”)
19 months
Beginning grammatization, corresponds with 50 word vocabulary
Attunes to human voice. Develops differential recognition of parents’ voices
Cooing (runs of vowels), musical sounds (ooh-ooh, aah-aah)
2-3 months
Babbling (mixing vowels and consonants together) (e.g. ba-ba-ba, da-da-da)
6 months
Jargoning (babbling with mixed consonants, inflection, and cadence)
9-12 months
begins using mama, dada (nonspecific)
1-3 words, mama and dada (specific)
12 months
18 months
4-20 words
Over 50 words. Two-word telegraphic sentences (mommy come)
2 years
three word sentences
more than 75% of the child’s speech should be intelligible
3 years