red eye lecture Flashcards
age related lid malposition
ectropion , entropion
entropion more serious condition - eyelids scratching cornea introducing infections and irritation
recurrent conjunctivitis what should you suspect
anterior blepharitis cx
post blepharitis cx
meibomian gland dysfunction
associated eye disease both rheumatoid and non rheumatoid
r - sjogrens syndrome, rheumatoid, SLE, systemic sclerosis
n - thyrodi eye disease, sarcoidosis, graft vs host disease, HIV, vitamin A deficiency ( xerophthalmia)
dry eye disease mx
local - blepharitis
tear substitutes
viral conjuctivitis caused by
viral tend to be bilateral and spread to families members of other house dwellers
bacterial conjunctivitis caused by
staph and strep , H influenxa
peripheral ulcerative keratitis common causes
vasculitides and collagen vascular disease; rheumatoid arthritis (RA), granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
flourescein great to visualise what
epithelial defects
highest number of nerve fibre endings where
corneal abrasion sx
super painful
painful red eye
resolve couple days
white appearance in cornea - WBC leaked out of vascular periphery and migrated to cornea - cornea usually not vasculairsed and does not have an immune repsonse hence why cornea goes white in what condition
WBC inflammatory response seen as at the inferior fluid margin in the cornea - serious ifnection such as Ant uveitis or infective keratitis
infective keratitis mx
urgent referral
corneal scrapes
intensive abx topical - quinolones - levofloxacin
3 viral causes of viral keratitis
VZV and HSV and adenovirus
hutchinsons sign
eye involvement - referral to opthalmology
fungal keratitis associated with
chronic corneal ulcers
steroid use
acanthomoeba rf
contact lenses wearer
lives in water
hot tubs
more common in hard water - more minerals - south east
normal eye pressure
between 10-20 , above 40 sx
red eye
corneal haze
mid dilated pupil
acute angle glaucoma
because cornea is cloudy
light haloes around them
constipation can pre dispose you to
subconjuctival haemorrhage
painful red eye associated with reduced visual acuity, photophobia, a small pupil and ciliary flush.
ant uveiitis
Blunt ocular trauma with associated hyphema( blood in the anterior chamber) is a high-risk scenario of raised
introcular pressure