Red book - lesson 8 Flashcards
FETCH (a genuine rubber dog can FETCH by STRETCHING)
verb: to go get & bring back, retrieve
syn: to obtain, retrieve, yield
ant: to lose, avoid, deny
eg: Daddy asked the twins to go out to the van and FETCH the sunglasses.
PROTOTYPE (the original PROTOTYPE of the TOE TYPEwriter)
noun: the original example upon which later examples are based
syn: model, precursor
ant: descendant
eg: In 1903, the Wright Brothers’ airplane was the PROTOTYPE of many future airplane designs.
ABOUND (animals ABOUND AROUND the lake)
verb: very numerous, exist in abundance
syn: flourish, proliferate, thrive
ant: decline, languish, retreat, fail
eg: Disneyland abounds with tourists all year long.
ZEAL (Sammy the SEAL catches fish with great ZEAL)
noun: showing great enthusiasm or devotion to a goal
syn: determination, diligence, eagerness, devotion, fervor, fanaticism
ant: apathy, disinterest, dullness, inactivity, indifference
eg: Sofie Dossi ZEALOUSLY attends her dancing class.
noun: one who pretends to be an expert
syn: actor, faker, counterfeiter, fraud, con artist
ant: expert
eg: Shaq O’Neil took some QUACK medicine to reduce weight, but never lost a pound.
SHAMBLE (when the sheik left, his CAMELS made SHAMBLES of his tent)
noun: a scene or condition of disorder or destruction; to walk or go awkwardly
syn: disarray, disorganization
ant: order, clear up, neaten, organize
eg: The looters left the downtown stores in SHAMBLES.
INEPT (our INEPT watch dog SLEPT through every thing)
adj: being bad at a task or not suitable.
syn: awkward, bumbling, incompetent
ant: able, capable, competent, expert, skillful
eg: the actors seemed bored and gave an INEPT performance
adj: having the ability to read and write
syn: cultured, educated, knowledgeable
ant: ignorant, stupid, uneducated, inexperienced, unsophisticated.
eg: Switzerland is one of the most LITERATE nations in the world. Practically every Swiss citizens can read and write.
verb: to join or unite together
syn: graft, braid, entwine, intertwine
ant: disconnect, disjoin, divide, separate, sever, divorce
eg: the magician can SPLICE two short ropes to make a long one.
EMBARK (Indians EMBARKING in a BARK canoe)
verb: to set out on a venture, to go aboard some means of transportation
syn: commence, launch, go aboard ship
ant: disembark, cease, end, finish, stop
eg: The train was scheduled to EMBARK at non.