Red book - lesson 19 Flashcards
noun: a beginner, a novice
eg: Steve was a NEOPHYTE at KITE flying
syn: newcomer, novice
ant: expert, professional
noun: an occupation, a job; what a person does for a living
eg: In the evening, I went to a VOCATIONAL school to learn data entry
syn: career, business, employment
ant: hobby, pastime, avocation
noun: an outstanding accomplishment
eg: the Empire State Building is a FEAT of engineering
syn: an accomplishment, a triumph, a victory
ant: a defeat, a failure, a loss
verb: to look or stare with dislike
eg: the unfriendly USC football team GLOWERED at us when he climbed off the bus.
syn: to scowl, to glare
ant: to grin, to smile
verb: to turn over, to tip over
eg: the rescue ship saved the passengers after their boat CAPSIZED.
noun: distance from North or South Pole; permitting freedom or action or though
eg: Ms. Gravy was a teacher who gave her students a lot of LATITUDE in studying for exams.
syn: laxity, leeway
ant: restriction, limitation
WARBLE (when birds WARBLED, John threw MARBLES)
verb: sing, or whistle in a special way; to babble
eg: it takes a special talent to WARBLE like a bird.
syn: sing
noun: strong physical or mental pain
eg: Robert was starving and in such ANGUISH he ate a rate SANDWICH
syn: agony, grief, heartbreak, misery
ant: delight, happiness, joy
adj: funny
eg: everyone was laughing and in a JOCULAR mood at the school pinic
syn: cheerful, jovial, playful
ant: depressed, gloomy, sad, unhappy
adj: easily bent or folded; moving or changing easily
eg: the leader purse was SUPPLE and soft to the touch
syn: agile, elastic, flexible, limber, malleable, pliable
ant: rigid, stiff, inflexible, unadaptable