Red book - lesson 3 Flashcards
SHUN (At the beach, I always SHUN the SUN)
verb: avoid, ignore, to keep away from
syn: snub, reject
ant: accept, approve, allow, cherish
eg: In large cities, it is wise to SHUN dark streets at night.
RESIDENT (President Trump and his family are RESIDENTS of the White House)
verb: one who lives in a place
syn: citizen, dweller, inhabitant
ant: foreigner, alien, immigrant
RUTHLESS (Toothless Captain Gums was a RUTHLESS pirate)
adj: having no compassion or pity; cruel; merciless, inhumane, cold-blooded
ant: calm, civilized, compassionate, forgiving, friendly
eg: The ruthless behavior of Captain Gums caused a mutiny aboard his ship
OBSOLETE (The Norwegian Viking fleet is obsolete)
adj: out of date; no longer in use or in fashion, outmoded, antiquated, archaic
ant: current, modern, contemporary, in vogue, up-to-date
eg: Smart phones have made flip phones OBSOLETE
MAGNATE (A MAGNATE attracts money like a MAGNET)
adj: a rich, powerful or successful business person
syn: capitalist, financier, mogul, tycoon
ant: nobody, nonentity, lowly
eg: Donald Trump became a powerful and wealthy real estate MAGNATE in New York.
DESPITE (Sammy the snake learned how to WRITE DESPITE having no hands)
preposition: in spite of, regardless of
syn: even though, although, in defiance of
eg: We had a great time in Zion National Park despite the heat and the height.
CONCEAL (A CON Concealing his pet SEAL)
verb: to keep from being seen; put out of sight; hidden
syn: bury, camouflage, cover up, cloak
ant: reveal, uncover, unwrap
eg: Nancy Pelosi found it difficult to CONCEAL her hatred for President Trump during the State of Union,
CLIMATE (As a climber CLIMBS a mountain, the CLIMATE gets colder)
noun: weather of a region
syn: weather condition, humidity, temperature
eg: Costa Rica has a tropical CLIMATE consisting of sunshine, heat and humidity.
SWELTER (SWELTERING in a SWEATER is not the coolest way to diet)
verb: oppressed by heat
syn: broil, sweat, wilt
ant: freeze, chill, refrigerate
eg: Our air conditioner broke and we began to SWELTER in our rooms.
The heat is SWELTERING in the Amazon.
WEAN (how to WEAN a TEEN away from the family telephone)
verb: to withdraw from any type fo habit.
syn: discourage, remove, halt
ant: encroach
eg: Homer WEANED himself off cigarettes by biting his finger every time he wanted a smoke.