Recruitment Flashcards
Why is recruitment important to a business?
Recruitment is important to a business as it can provide fresh ideas to a business to allow the business to continue to operate with new ideas from new employees. Recruitment can also be important to businesses as its expensive to recruit, as a result if they don’t recruit the right person then they will have wasted time and money on the recruitment process. (2)
Explain the difference between a job description and a person specification.
A job description is a brief outlay of what the job involves and what they will do when they are at the business outlaying hours of work and general roles.
Whereas a person specification is the skills required to apply, it outlays the characteristics you need.
List 3 things a job description might contain
Roles while at the business
Hours of work
List 3 characteristics a person specifications
Previous Experience
Explain the difference between internal and external recruitment
Internal recruitment is recruiting a person from inside your business that is already an employee, whereas external recruitment is where you employ a person who currently doesn’t exist in the business.
Explain 2 benefits of internal recruitment
A benefit of internal recruitment is that it can be motivational for staff as they are seen as having a chance of being promoted resulting in increased productivity as they will try to work harder to also try receive a chance of promotion.
Another benefit of internal recruitment is that the person already has experience in the business so will need less induction training as they already know the way around the business and how it operates.
Explain 2 benefits of external recruitment
External recruitment can bring in fresh ideas to the business, causing innovation.
Allows you to specify exactly what skills you desire allowing you to get possibly more skilled staff than possible in internal recruitment.
List 3 places where a business can advertise job positions externally
Job centre
Job board at local shops
Online job websites
What information might be included in a job advert?
Hours of work
Skills required
Responsibilities (Rates of pay)
Why might a business use an application form?
Less time consuming as they can filter down applicants that are not viable to apply.
Explain a method of selection a business might use
Interviewing, used to see how the person is in person to see if they are suitable for the business.
Group tasks/role playing, put a potential employee in a role play to see how they perform similarly with group tasks to see how they perform with tasks.
Explain two benefits of conducting interviews?
A benefit of conducting interviews is that it allows you filters down recruits that will not be suitable, as a result it will be less time consuming and cost less than employing wrong staff.
Another benefit of conducting interviews is that it allows the business to select the right staff for them what they believe they will need as a result it will allow them to ask more personal questions allowing them to gain a better overview of each candidate
List 2 disadvantages of interviews
Time consuming
What is induction training?
Introduction training is training for new employees, it allows them to understand the way the business operates and the layout of the business.
What is the difference between on the job and off the job training?
On the job training is training done by your employees at your work, whereas off the job training is when the business hires a trainer to train your staff externally from the business premises.
Explain 2 advantages of on the job training?
Lower cost compared to off the job training
This way they use those tools and equipment which they will be using in future to carry out their specific role in the organization will be different if they train externally compared to in the business on the job training where they will gain experience in using the tools and equipment at the business.
Explain 2 advantages of off the job training?
Employees feel more valued and results in increased motivation for staff.
The employees can learn more skills from off the job training as they are being trained by a professional.
List 3 other methods of training that can be used
- Learning by watching and doing (shadowing)
- Academic training
- E-learning
Name one training initiative that the government is involved in?
Investors in people
What is a training needs analysis?
Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is the process in which the company identifies training and development needs of its employees so that they can do their job effectively
How might TNA be conducted?
Observing to staff to see if the development of their skills when they are at work
State two factors that should be taking into account in a TNA?
What training has been given?
The costs already existing in the business to see if they can afford it.
How could a business evaluate the training provided to its workforce?
Labour turnover/Absenteeism in the business.