Functions of leadership and management Flashcards
What do managers or leaders do?
Decision Making
According to Lewin, what are the 3 styles of leadership?
Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez Faire
What is paternalistic leadership?
A leader who is wanting the workforce to feel involved in decision making whom consults employees. Persuades employees to accept his or her view, regardless of the employee’s own views.
In what type of business might you find an autocratic leader?
Factory work/production
Explain McGregor’s theories of leadership
McGregor theories are of how managers view employees. The view adopted will affect how the manager believes employees should be treated and motivated.
Theory X manager views employees as lazy and disliking work and responsibility they will lack the will and the ability to work unsupervised and are largely motivated by money.
Theory Y manager views employees as enjoying their work they are willing to accept responsibility and challenges they will be creative, willing to contribute and able to exercise self-discipline. They are not just motivated by money.
Draw Blake’s leadership grid
Google image.
Explain each aspect of Blake’s leadership grid
Country club leadership is a manager who is concerned about the well-being and feelings of his or her team of people, rather than completing the required tasks. While morale may be high, some employees may take advantage and if deadlines are missed there may be repercussions on other areas of the business which depend on the completion of a task by a certain date.
An authoritarian manager will be concerned with the task rather than the employees. This manager believes that the needs of the employee must always take second place to completing the task. Leadership will be authoritarian and motivation very much second consideration. This could lead to lack of motivation, absenteeism or even labour turnover.
Impoverished leadership is a manager who will have a lack of concern for either task or people needs. He or she will be unable to devise procedures to ensure that work is completed to the required standard or on time, or to stimulate and motivate employees. This sort of leader is very ineffective at everything. Morale and productivity are likely to be low.
Team leadership is a manager whom will have a strong and equal regard for both employee and task needs. This is what a manager should aim for. These leaders believe that if employees are treated as genuine stakeholders, then their needs and the business task needs will be in harmony.
Middle of the road leadership is a middle of the road loader and compromises between the two sets of needs. This implies that neither set of needs is truly met and less than optimal outcomes for each are achieved. Such leaders may be indecisive and timid.
Explain Carlyle & Galton’s theory of leadership
Their trait theory concentrates on the traits exhibited by successful leaders or, put into simple terms, the characteristics required of a leader. The key characteristics they determined were motivational, integrity, self-confidence, creative and intelligent.
Explain Tannenbaum & Schmidt’s theory of leadership
Tannenbaum and Schmidt focus on the style of leadership and suggest that the style of leadership highlighted the degree of trade-off between the control exerted by the leader and how this affected the interaction between the leader and the employees. This theory is sometimes known as the contingency approach
It uses four styles
Tell, this style is one in which the leader or manager just informs the employees of his or her decision and can be seen as an autocratic approach
Sell, this is when a leader or manager makes a decision but attempts to sell the decision to the employees.
Consult, This style goes a step further than ‘sell’ as the leader will present his or her ideas to the employees and invite discussion and therefore offer a more collaborative approach.
Participate, this style shows that the focus is now on the employees and not the leader. Under this style of leadership the leader or manager will ask the employees to make a decision although there are boundaries
Explain Adair’s theory of leadership
Adair’s action centred leadership highlights the three elements for all leadership situations, which are the:
Achievement of the task
Team or group involved in the task
Individual members of the team or group involved in the task
List 3 different types of manager
Senior managers, Middle managers, Junior managers, Line managers, Staff managers.
Explain the difference between a manager and a leader
A Manager is obeyed by subordinates he minimises risk sets an example whom has a not very outgoing nature, whereas a leader is a risk taker who has a creative personality inspiring others to behave in a certain way.
What are the main management functions within a business?
Production management
Marketing management
Personnel management
Financial management
In Blakes leadership grid what is a leader who has low care for results and low for people?
Impoverished management
In Blakes leadership grid what is a leader who has low care for results but high care for people?
Country Club Management
In Blakes leadership grid what is a leader who has a high care for results and high care for people?
Team Management
In Blakes leadership grid what is a leader who has a high care for results and low care for people?
Produce or perish management