Recap 6 (nutri) Flashcards
2 phases of xenobiotics products metabolism
- Chemical undergo hydrolysis, oxidation or reduction
- catalyst = CP450 (+++ hepatocytes in ER) -> detoxify xenobiotics or convert into active compounds -> produce ROS
- CYP inducer = chemicals, drugs, smoking, alcohol, hormones = bind to Sp receptors (PPAR, CAR, PXR) -> heterodimerize with retinoic X receptor (RXR) -> active promoter of CYP
- CYP inhibitors = fasting, starvation - Transforming into water-soluble compounds : glucuronidation, sulfation, methylation, conjugation with glutathione
Effects of O3 (ozone air polluant)
Produced by interaction of UV and O2 = ozone layer
Ground level ozone = formed by rx of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds -> ROS injure respi epith cell and type 1 alveolar cells
Effects of CO
Systemic asphyxiant
Source =incomplete oxidation of hydrocarbons
Short lived in atmosphere because rapidly oxidized to CO2
SNC depression
++ischemic changes in basal ganglia and lenticular nuclei
Cherry-red color of skin
If prolonged = edema brain, H+, neuronal change not Sp = systemic hypoxia
Effects of radon
Radioactive gas derived from uranium in soils and homes
Lung cancer
Morphology of lead toxicity
Bind sulfhydryl (high affinity) groups = interfere with calcium metabolism -> hematopoietic, skeletal, neuro, GI, renal toxicity
Interferes in 2 enzymes in heme synthesis = delta aminolerulinic acid dehydratase and ferrochelatase = iron incorporation in heme in impaired
Inhibe Na et K dependent ATPase = RBC fragle = hemolysis
1. Blood and bone marrow =
inhibe ferrochelatase -> ring sideroblast (punctuate basophilic stipping), red cell precursors with iron laden mitochondria
microcytic hypochromic anemia with mild hemolysis
2. Children irreversible, adult reversible
3. DX = elevated blood lead and GR free protoporphyrin or zinc protoporphyrin
4. 80-85% absorb in developing teath and bone, 5-10% blood, rest = soft tissue
Mercury, effects, soruces, mechanism
Binds sulfhydryl groups in certain proteins with high affinity = CNS, kidney
Source = mercury vapor from dental amalgams, contaminated fish
Effects = lipid solubility facilitate accumulation in brain, gut (ulcers, bloody d+), renal failure
- IC GSH act as sulfhydryl donor = main protective mechanism against mercury
Arsenic toxicity
Interferes with mitochondrial oxidate phosphorylation
—> sensorimotor neuropathy, hyperT, skin changes, risk cancer
++ TGI, nervous system, skin, heart
Calcium toxicity
Requires uptake into cells by tramsporters = ZIP8
-> lungs and kidneys
Benzene, 1,3-butadiene toxicity
Increase risk of leukemia
Disrupt progenitor cell differentiation
Benzene is oxidized to an epoxide by CYP2E
Bisphenol (BPA) toxicity
Endocrine disruptor, heart disease
Carcinogens in lung cancers
Polycyclic hydrocarbon and nitrosamines
Metabolism of alcohol
Absorb in stomach/small intestines -> distribution -> metabolized to acetaldehyde in liver by 3 enzymes = deshydrogenase (cytosol), CP450, enzymes (RE) and catalase -> convertion to acetaldehyde dehydrogenase to acetate = used in mitochondria respiration chain or lipid synthesis
Effects of alcohol
- alcohol oxidation causes reduction of NAD (need for fatty acid oxidation of lactate in pyruvate) -> accumule fat in liver
- ROS generation by metabolism by CYPE1
- release LPS of G- in flora -> production TNF by Kupffer -> hepatic injury
Acetaminophen metabolism
95% detox by phase II enzymes liver
5% metabolized by CYP2E to NAPQI (centrolobular necrosis)
NAPQI covalently bind hepatic proteins = damage to cellular membrane and mitochondria dysfunction
Lungs injury :
1. Water soluble gas
2. Lipid soluble gas
- Water = chlorine, sulfur oxides, ammonia = react with water to form acids/alkalis -> inflamm and swelling -> partial/complete obstruction
- Lipid = nitrous oxide = reach deeper airways producing pneumonitis