Agents infectieux facteur de virulence Flashcards
VP4, VP7 = attachement
Rotavirus (RNA non E)
NSP4 (enterotixin)
Rotavirus RNA non E
Glycoprotein G binds LDL-R
targets squamous epithelium
Arbovirus (RNA E)
Glycoprot E1, E2 attache crypt
Lysis PP, necrosis vascular wall
BVD (pestivirus, RNA, E)
Target CD150 (lympho)
Rinderpest (morbili RNA E)
FIL attache heparan-R
synthesis VEGF = angiogenesis
Parapox DNA E
Echtyma contagieux
VP1 à 4 attache
R-integrin VB1-3-6
Aphtovirus RNA non E
Foot and mouth dz
S prot binds sialic acid in mucus layer
E2 = entry
Coronavirus RNA E
VP14 attache
Enterovirus RNA non E
swine vesicular dz
tropisme endothelial cell -> CIVD
Calicivirus RNA non E
exanthème Fe
Need duplex transcription template = only in S phase
R= transferrin (Ca)
R = transferrin, neuraminic acid (Fe)
Parvovirus DNA non E
Lysis epithelial/endothelial cells
Fiberprotein = attache
R-integrin (coxackievirus-adenovirus)
Phlebovirus DNA non E
Rift valley
HA = entry
NA = shedding
HA/NA bind to target sialligosaccharide
Orthomyxovirus RNA E
Influenza Eq
Glycoprot B, C, D = attache
Mediator A, nectin 1-2, 3-0 sulfate heparin = entry
Trigeminal/olfactive nerve (retrograde axonal)
Active by multiplication by axonal transport to mucosa and going into epithelial cells
Herpesvirus DNA E
What does latent virus mean?
Latent = NO CMH II. LOW CMH I = less CTL, macro
Virus in nucleus without protein synthesis
Glycoprotein G = attache
Glycoprotein F = fusion
TLR3-4 for inflamm
Pneumovirus RNA E
Infects monocytes precursors in bone marrow = reservoir
Genome inserted on chromosomal DNA = persiste infection
Chronic inflamm lung, brain, mammary, synovial, demyelinating encephalitis
Lentivirus RNA E
R = Sialoadhesin, CD163, heparan
Acute inflamm mucociliary -> bact infection
Arterivirus RNA E
Infect injure erythroid precursors
= neonatal anemia
Herpesvirus (cytomegalovirus) DNA E
inclusion body rhinitis
bite from midges
Capside VP2, VP5, NS3 (insertin)
Cytotoxin (viroporin)
Source = semen accessory glands
Orbivirus RNA non E
African horse sickness
Lysis vascular endothelium
Lysis lymphocytes
Dead-end host because spread need free cell virus = don’t exist
Gammaherpesvirus DNA E
fièvre catarrhale maligne
Erns, E2 envelop, glycoprotein
Pestivirus RNA E
Classical swine fever
Envelop glycoprot = p12, p54, p30
Asfivirus DNA E
African swine fever
Glyco = B, C, D
basse temperature helps
Canine herpesV type I
Antigenic shift/drift of 3c genes in mucosal macrophages
S1, S2, M, E = attache
What is the immune response in PIF? SC?
HIGH cell mediated = no PIF
LOW cell mediated = dry
NO cell mediated = wet
effective HUMORAL = more severe
Adequate AC = hyperS III -> complement => neutro
Type 4 in some pygranulomas
envelop gp120, gp90
Cell free vitus act as hapten on RBC -> phagocyte + présente lympho -> humoral response -> hyperSe II
What happens if haptens active complement?
Anemie infectieuse equine (bloodborne)
active complement = RBC lysis
Changement LB (gene transactivation)
Provirus infected LT
gp51, gp30 enter naive LB = express IgM
CD5, CD11b = susceptible infection
p34tax = prolif LB = X virus + growth/differenciation
Leukemia Bo