Recap Flashcards
Person has generalized anxiety with an acute onset of recent attacks. What drugs do you give them for short and long term?
What if they have a hx of heroin and alcohol abuse? Downside to this drug?
Short term - benzo
Long term - SSRI
Addictive personality - give buspirone, but it takes 1-2 weeks for effects.
Do not give fluoxetine with what S-H?
Do not give fluoxetine (SSRI) with Ramelteon (melatonin S-H) bc of CYP inhibiton by fluoxetine
Treatment of EPS
trihexylphenydyl, benztropene, diphenhydramine
EPS worst with?
Haloperidol and all typical anti-psychotics
sedation, muscarinic, hypotension
typicals - chlorpromazine, fluphenazine, haloperidol
indications for what drug: tx resistant schizophrenia and suicide.
clozapine (anti-psychotic)
adverse effects of clozapine -
agranulocytosis and….
metabolic syndrome
monitor thyroid function in pts taking
Lithium Movement (tremors) Nephrogenic DI hypOthyroid Pregnancy Contraindicated
prolonged QT interval
ziprasidone (atypical antidepressant)
and haloperidol
elevated PRL levels
risperidone and Haloperidol (and all typical antipsychotics)
Main (only-ish) side effect is seizures when administered at high doses treatment for anorexia and bulemia, as well as 1st line tx of depression with hypersomnia.
Buproprion (NDRI - anti depressant)
High potency v. low potency typical antidepressants
High potency (neuro EPS) - fluphenazine, haloperidol Low potency (alpha, Histamine, anti-cholinergic) - chlorpromazine
suicide prevention (two drugs)
lithium (antipsychotic mood stabilizer) clozapine (atypical antidepressant)
sexual dysfunction in 1/2 of all patients on ___ class
What does not cause sexual dysfunction?
Low potency anti-depressants have these side effects (along with TCAs)
alpha (orthostatic hypot), Histamine, anti-cholinergic -const/dry mouth/dizzy
Highly sedating antidepressant
Drug that inhibits reuptake of monoamines (NE, dop, 5HT). Increases sympathetics. Coronary artery vasospasm (Myocardial ischemia).
Best treatment for alcohol withdrawal.
Diazepam (long acting bezo- best). BAD for liver.
Lorazepam, oxazepam (short acting benzo). BETTER for liver.
What drug in treatment of alcohol dependence decreases cravings?
Mu-opioid receptor antagonist
What drug in treatment of alcohol dependence does not decrease cravings, but causes aversion?
ALDEHYDE dehydrogenase inhibitor
MOA of acamprosate.
NMDA receptor antagonist and GABA agonist.
Non-benzo used to treat insomnia.
Zolpidem and zaleplon (fall asleep), eszopiclone (stay asleep)
Suspect what? Fever Encephalopathy (confusion) Vitals (temp/BP) Enzyme elevation Rigidity
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (antipsychotic side effect)
Serotonin Syndrome
Activity (tremor)
Autonomics (hypertension, hyperthermia, tachycardia)
TCA toxicity
acute dystonia (mm contractions), akathisia (leg restlessness), dyskinesia, parkinson-like movements (tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, masked facies)
EPS (typical > atypical side effect)
Involuntary movement after chronic use (lip smacking).
Tardic dyskinesia
Muscle contractions in EPS
acute dystonia
Leg restlessness in EPS
Tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, masked facies in EPS
MOA of ____ inositol monophosphate inhibition
MOAI’s have what MAO
irreversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase (except selegine)
anticholinergic/antimuscarinic toxicity
- typical anti-depressant (chlorpromazine)
- TCAs (amytriptyline, impiramine)
ACEI toxicity
Anti-muscarinic drug
Amenorrhea for 3 months. Schizophrenic/bipolar treatment. Etiology.
Risperidone and Haloperidol
-due to hyper-PRL. Block D2, increase PRL, causing amenorrhea.
Pure opioid receptor antagonist - antidote for overdose.
Naloxone, for opioid overdose.
What two physical signs indicate opioid/narcotic use?
miosis and constipation.
NMDA receptor antagonist
flumazenil use
intoxication/andicdote for:
benzo, Z-Z-EsZ
Buproprion v. Buspirone
Buspirone - S-H, anti-anxiety, no side effects
Buproprion - NDRI for smoking, stimulant. Toxicity - Seizure in anorexic/bulemics.
Seizure side effects
- buproprion
- typical anti-depressants and clonapine/olanzapine
Taking what types of meds interfere with Lithium excretion?
thiazide diuretics, ACEIs, NSAIDs
Anti-seizure and bipolar
lamotrigine, carbamazapine, valproate (mood stabilizers)