Recall (Limitations) Flashcards
What are the “Airbus Golden Rules”?
- Fly, navigate, communicate in that order with appropriate task sharing.
- Use the appropriate level of automation at all times.
- Understand the FMA at all times.
- Take action if things do not go as expected.
This airplane is certified in the public transport category (passengers and freight) for day and night operations, in the following conditions when the appropriate equipment and instruments required by the airworthiness an operating regulation are approved, installed, and in an operable conditions:
- VFR and IFR
- Extended overwater flight
- Flight in icing conditions
- Maximum 180 passenger seats (A321: 220)
What are the parameters included in the stabilised approach criteria?
- Aircraft is on the correct flight path with small changes to maintain this correct flight path.
- The aircraft speed is with +10 to -5 speed target.
- Correct landing configuration.
- Sink rate is no greater than 1000fpm below 1000’HAA.
- Appropriate thrust setting for the configuration.
- All briefings + checklist are completed.
Minimum flight crew
2 pilots
Flight maneuvering load acceleration limits
Clean configuration:
-1G to +2.5G
Other configurations:
0G to +2.0G
Maximum taxi weight
77,400kg (A321: 93,400kg)
Maximum takeoff weight
77,000kg (A321: 93,000kg)
Maximum landing weight
66,000kg (A321: 77,800kg)
Maximum zero fuel weight
62,500kg (A321: 73,800kg)
Minimum weight
37,230kg (A321: 47500kg)
Mean runway slope
-/+ 2%
Runway altitude
9,200 feet (VH-VWT: 12,000 feet)
Nominal runway width
Jetstar narrow runway width limit
Crosswind limits for takeoff & landing on narrow (30m) runways?
Dry 38 knots, wet 33 knots
Dry 30 knots, wet 20 knots
(All figures include gust)
Maximum demonstrated crosswind
38 knots (including gust)
Maximum tailwind
T/O: 10 knots (VH-VWT & VH-VWY & VH-VWZ: 15 knots)
LDG: 10 knots (VH-VFT & VH-VFY & VH-VWT: 15 knots)
(Autoland & rollout remains 10 knots, landing with 15 knots tailwind, only FLAPS FULL is permitted)
Maximum wind for passenger door operation
65 knots
Maximum wind speed for cargo door operation
40 knots (or 50 knots, if the aircraft nose is oriented into the wind, or the cargo door is on the leeward side)
Maximum speed for config 1 (slats 18, flaps 0) in the air
230 knots (A321: 235 knots)
Maximum speed for config 1+F (slats 18, flaps 10) on the ground
215 knots (A321: 225 knots)
Maximum speed for config 2 (slats 22, flaps 15)
200 knots (A321: 215 knots)
Maximum speed for config 3 (slats 22, flaps 20)
185 knots (A321: 195 knots)
Maxim speed for config FULL (slats 27, flaps 40) when landing
177 knots (A321: 190 knots)
Maximum operating altitude with slats and/or flaps extended is
20,000 feet
Maximum speed with landing gear extended (VLE)
280 knots / M0.67
Maximum speed at which the LG may be extended (VLO extension)
250 knots / M0.60
Maximum speed at which the LG may be retracted (VLO retraction)
220 knots / M0.54
Maximum altitude at which the landing gear may be extended
25,000 feet
Maximum tire speed
Ground speed of 195 knots
Maximum speed to use the windshield wipers
230 knots
Maximum speed when the cockpit window is opened
200 knots
Minimum height for use of the autopilot in a circling approach
Applicable MDA -100 feet or MDH -100 feet
Maximum negative cabin differential pressure
Maximum taxi speed when taxi weight is heavier than 76,000kg
Do not exceed 20 knots during a turn
Minimum height for use of the autopilot in a straight in non precision approach
Applicable MDA or MDH
Maximum positive cabin differential pressure
During ground operations, with avionics ventilation system in normal configuration, what are the time limitations of the aircraft’s electric power supply in the following OAT conditions, 49, 55, 60 and 64 degrees
49: no limitations
55: 2 hours
60: 1 hour
64: 30 minutes
Minimum height for use of the autopilot in a PAR or a RNP approach
250 feet AGL
Use of the AP and/or FD is authorized in PAR approach, with HDG V/S or TRK FPA
Minimum height to use autopilot on takeoff with SRS mode
100 feet AGL
An internal FMGS logic prevents the autopilot from engaging during the 5 seconds after liftoff
Minimum height for use of the autopilot other than an approach
A320: 500 feet AGL
A321: 900 feet AGL
Minimum height for use of the autopilot in a straight in LNAV/VNAV approach
Applicable DA
If the flight crew performs an CAT2 automatic approach without auto land, the autopilot must be disengaged no later than___?
80 feet AGL
Minimum height for use of the autopilot in an ILS approach when CAT2 or CAT3 is not displayed on the FMA.
160 feet AGL
CAT 3 fail passive (single) MDH
50 feet
Minimum height for use of the autopilot in a go around (AP or FD engagement)
100 feet AGL
CAT 3 fail operational (dual) with DH, MDH is
25 feet (A321: 22 feet)
2 autopilots must be engaged in APPR mode and CAT 3 DUAL must be displayed on the FMA
100 feet AGL
CAT 2 single and CAT 3 single auto land are only approved in configuration _____, and if engine out procedures are completed before reaching ______ in approach.
1,000 feet
Maximum wind conditions for CAT 2 automatic approach without autoland (A321)
Headwind: 40 knots
Tailwind: 10 knots
Crosswind: 25 knots
Max continuous load per generator
100% (90KVA)
It is forbidden to use the electrical outlets during takeoff and landing.
CAT 3 fail operational (dual) alert height
100 feet
CAT 3 fail operational (dual) without DH minimum RVR is
2 autopilots must be engaged in APPR mode and CAT 3 DUAL must be displayed on the FMA
Maximum wind conditions for CAT 2 or CAT 3 automatic approach landing and roll out
Headwind: 30 knots
Tailwind: 10 knots
Crosswind: 20 knots
Wind limitation is based on the surface wind reported by ATC. If the wind displayed on ND exceeds the limitations above, but the tower reports a surface wind within the limitations, then the autopilot can remain engaged.
If the tower reports a surface wind beyond limitations, only CAT 1 automatic approach without auto land can be performed
Maximum allowed wing OUTER fuel tanks imbalance
690kg (VFN/O/P/Q/T/U/V/X: 370kg)
Maximum continuous load per TR
200 amps
It is forbidden to use the electrical outlets during takeoff and landing.
Maximum JET-A1 fuel temperature
+54 degrees Celsius
Minimum JET-A1 fuel temperature
-43 degrees Celsius
Maximum allowed wing INNER fuel tanks imbalance with the heavier tank is Full, 4300kg and 2250kg
Full: 1,500kg
4,300kg: 1,600kg
2,250kg: 2,250kg
The variation is linear between these values, there is no limitation below 2,250kg.
Tanks must be emptied in the following order:
Center tank then wing tank
Takeoff on center tank is prohibited
Maximum brake temperature for takeoff (brake fans OFF) is
300 degrees Celsius
Minimum fuel quantity for takeoff
1,500kg and WING TK LO LVL warning must not be displayed on ECAM for takeoff
Maximum taxi speed if 2 tires are deflated on the same main gear (with the other main gear not being deflated)
3 knots and the NWS angle limited to 30 degrees
Normal hydraulic operating pressure
3000 PSI +/- 200
Towbarless towing and pushback, the NWS angle is limited to
85 degrees
The device must be approved for the “accepted towbarless towing vehicles” that are listed in the airbus SIL 09-002
Maximum taxi speed when 1 tire is deflated on 1 or more gears (maximum of 3 tires)
7 knots when turning
IRS ground alignment has been demonstrated to be satisfactory up to _____ latitude
73 degrees
For towing and pushback, the NWS angle is limited to
95 degrees
When using the handwheels, the NWS angle is limited to
75 degrees
In NAV mode, the IRS will not provide a valid magnetic heading for latitude greater than
73 degrees North
60 degrees South
Flight outside the above noted limits is prohibited
When both PFDs are lost, can the flight crew use the ISIS bugs function?
Minimum flight crew oxygen pressure for 2 crew members at 10, 20 and 30 degrees Celsius.
10 degrees: 706psi (+1 OBS: 926psi)
20 degrees: 731psi (+1 OBS: 959psi)
30 degrees: 756psi (+1 OBS: 992psi)
Protection after loss of cabin pressure, with mask regulator on NORMAL (diluted oxygen) during cruise at FL100 for 2 crew members for
107 minutes
Protection after loss of cabin pressure, with mask regulator on NORMAL (diluted oxygen) during an emergency descent for all cockpit members for
13 minutes
The APU may be started and operated even if the LOW OIL LEVEL ECAM advisory is displayed. Maintenance action is required within the next ____________.
Next 10 hours of APU operation
Protection in case of smoke, with 100% oxygen: for all cockpit members for ____ minutes at a cabin altitude if 8,000 feet
15 minutes
Maximum APU N rotor speed (ECAM display)
The APU automatically shuts down at 107% N speed, that appears on the ECAM. This corresponds to an actual N speed of 106%.
APU starter limitation
After 3 starter motor duty cycles, wait 60 minutes before attempting 3 more cycles.
Maximum APU EGT start below 35,000 feet
1,090 degrees Celsius
Maximum APU EGT
675 degrees Celsius
APU electric power extraction at or below 25,000 feet ISA +35 degrees Celsius and below
Maximum APU EGT start above 35,000 feet
1,120 degrees Celsius
Maximum altitude to use APU’s electrical power
41,000 feet
Altitude limit for using APU bleed to run 2 packs
15,000 feet
APU battery start limit altitude (ELEC EMER CONFIG)
25,000 feet
APU ground starting and operating limit altitude
14,500 feet
Altitude limit for using APU bleed to run only 1 pack
22,500 feet
Maximum refueling pressure
Maximum defueling pressure
Minimum oil temperature prior to takeoff
50 degrees Celsius
Minimum starting oil temperature
-40 degrees Celsius
Maximum engine EGT during start
635 degrees Celsius
Maximum engine EGT during MCT
610 degrees Celsius with no time limits
Maximum engine EGT during TOGA and time allowances
635 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes (OEI: 10 minutes)
A321: 650 degrees Celsius
Minimum oil temperature prior to exceeding idle
-10 degrees Celsius
Maximum oil transient temperature and how long?
165 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes
Maximum continuous oil (MCT) temperature
155 degrees Celsius
Minimum oil pressure
Minimum oil quantity
11 US quart + 0.3 quart per flying hour
Maximum N1 & N2 RPM
High vibration indication pulses when
During engine start on the ground: N2 exceeds 6.5 units
In operation: N1 or N2 exceeds 5 units
IAE engine starter limitations
3 consecutive cycles with 2 cycles of 2 minutes each followed by a 3rd cycle of 1 minute
Pause 15 seconds between start attempts
30 minutes of cooling period following 3 start attempts or 4 minutes of continuous cranking
No running engagement of the starting, when N2 is above 10% on the ground, and 18% in flight
Reverse thrust is not permitted
In flight, to back up the aircraft and maximum reverse thrust can not be used below 70 knots, idle reverse is permitted down to aircraft stop.
Thrust reduction must not exceed 25% of the full rated takeoff thrust. To meet this requirement, the flexible temperature must not be higher than
A320: ISA +55 degrees Celsius (T MAX FLEX)
A321: ISA +42 degrees Celsius (T MAX FLEX)
The engine is capable of staring in crosswinds up to
35 knots
When using high pressure cart we can not use
APU bleed to avoid bleed system damage.
Ram air valves only open if delta (change in) pressure is lower than
Airflow supplied from the ground cart shall not exceed
Air condition temperature control knobs have a range of
18 - 30 degrees Celsius with normal setting of 24 degrees Celsius
When using low pressure cart, we can not use
Neither packs to avoid chattering of the non-return valves.
Maximum delta (change in) pressure is
8.6psi, that’s when the safety relief valve opens
Maximum bleed normal pressure
Maximum bleed overload pressure
When the accumulator pressure gauge (showing only the yellow system) is in the green range, how long can it hold the parking brake for?
Minimum of 12 hours
List the 4 conditions that requires a brake maintenance and replacements
1: one brake temperature exceeds 900 degrees Celsius
2: 2 brakes on the same gear exceeds 150 degrees, or if 1 of the brakes exceeds 600 degrees Celsius or less than 60 degrees Celsius (indicating not operating)
3: average temperature difference between left and right gear is greater than 200 degrees Celsius
4: a fuse plug has melted
Fuel tank weights capacities
Outer: 0.691T x2
Inner: 5.435T x2
Center: 6.476T
Total: 18.728T
Minimum battery voltage before staring APU
Wingspan dimensions
A320 & A321: 34.1m
A320-S: 35.8m
Wheel base span between main gears
Front gear and main gear distance
A320: 12.64m
A321: 12.91m
Aircraft length
A320: 37.57m
A321: 44.51m
What is the turbulence penetration speed speeds?
Below FL200: 250kts
Above FL200: 275kts
Above FL320 (cruise): M0.76
Maximum operating speed VMO/MMO
350 knots / M0.82
What is the minimum runway width for a 180 degree turn?
(A321) Maximum allowed wing fuel tanks imbalance when the heavy tank content is FULL, 4000kg and 2350kg (empty on the other side)
FULL: 1320kg
4000kg: 1450kg
2350kg: 2350kg
Operating envelope
Maximum recommended ceiling and maximum service ceiling
39,800 feet (with a 3G buffer)
41,000 feet
At what speed does the landing gear safety valve operates
260 knots
Aircraft height
A320/1: 11.755m