IRS Flight Instruments Flashcards
What is signified by the IAS target being magenta or blue?
Magenta = managed speed mode Blue = FCU selected speed mode
What does the speed trend arrow tell you?
It shows the speed the aircraft will reach in 10 seconds. Greater than 2 knots. With constant acceleration.
What is shown on the bottom left corner of the PFD? And when?
mach number when greater than M.5 in green.
Slow speed ILS when selected.
In a managed descent, how is the ECON Speed Range represented: Above / Below a speed restriction?
ECON SPD +5 knots when constraints applies, otherwise, +20 knots limited to VMAX, VMO -3 knots or MMO -0.06.
ECON SPD -20 knots, limited to green dot, F, S or VLS.
How is the Speed Target Displayed if it is NOT in the Window? i.e. off scale.
Value is displayed as numbers below or above the speed scale
What would cause NEG to appear on Altitude strip?
Negative values
What is signified by F, S, and Green Dot speed?
Green F (minimum flap retraction speed), S (minimum slats retraction speed) and Green Dot (best lift/drag ration speed).
If, on the PFD, the Altitude Bug is 5000’ (blue), where else will 5000’ be displayed?
How does the Target Altitude indication Change if the Baro Set Knob on the EFIS Control Panel, is pushed / pulled?
Pushed for QNH (Alt.)
Pulled for STD (F.L.)
How is the Actual Track of the A/C Represented?
Small green diamond.
What information is given by the F.P.V?
Lateral track + vertical trajectory of the aircraft respect to the ground.
What is always directly below the F.P.V?
Track diamond.
How is the ILS course represented?
Dagger-shaped symbol in magenta + course pointer.
The Wind Arrow / Digits indicate what?
Wind direction both in degrees True, arrow only appears > 2 knots.
What does M or R mean (next to a VOR or ADF indication)?
M = tuned manually by the pilot via MCDU. R = from RMP.
What provides the ND with the Groundspeed and TAS info?
Where can VOR Beam (bearing pointer, CDI) Bars be displayed? Can you lock onto a VOR Radial?
Rose VOR, ND. Cannot lock on.
How is the PLAN Mode Orientated?
True North.