Gear Flashcards
How is gravity extension achieved? And what happens to the doors?
- When a crew turns the crank
o It isolates the landing gear hydraulics from the green hydraulic system
o Unlicks the LG doors + gears
o Allows gravity to drop the gear into extended position. - The gear doors remain open for the rest of the flight.
On the GEAR panel what is indicated by a red UNLK light? What is the information source?
- UNLK (red) if the gear is not locked in the selected position.
- Panel is connected to LGCIU1, receives signals from proximity detectors.
How many green triangles (on the SD) confirm that the gear is locked down?
When on take-off, does N.W. steering become inhibited?
- Until 80kts for hand wheels
- Until 130kts for rudder pedals.
How much N.W. Steering is available through: Rudder Pedals / Steering Hand wheel?
Rudder pedals: +/- 6 degrees
Steering hand wheel: +/- 75 degrees
What happens to the Nosewheel Angle if both pilots make simultaneous movements of the rudder or steering hand wheel?
Orders added algebraically summed.
What happens when the button on a steering hand wheel is pressed?
Removes control of nose wheel steering from the rudder pedals.
When is NW STRG DISE amber? When is it green?
- Amber if one engine is running
- When in the towing position (no engine running)
When does AUTOBRAKE automatically disarm?
T/O: 10secs lift off LDG: spoilers. Taxi: brake pedals - Flight crew presses the p/b switch - One or more arming conditions is lost. - Enough deflection to brake pedal. - After T/O and touch and go.
What triggers AUTOBRAKE system operation?
- At the command for ground spoilers extension for LO and MED made.
- At the command for ground spoilers extension and airspeed is above 40kts, for MAX mode.
How long can the accumulator hold the park brake on?
At least 12 hours.
With PARK BRAKE set, is Pedal Braking operative?
If the parking brake is activated and no yellow hydraulic or accumulator brake pressure is available, then the normal braking system can be applied via the brake pedals.
When does the DECEL light illuminate?
Comes on when 80% of decal rate achieved.
What delays occur in LO, MED & MAX before braking starts?
LO – 4secs after spoilers deployment
MED – 2secs after spoilers deployment
MAX – immediately
MAX autobrake is only used when?
When the ECAM says “L/G – GRVTY EXTN” what should you do?
Use the QRH and apply the following procedure:
- Crank must be turned approximately 3 revolutions.
- Once the gears are down, select lever to down position to lock position.
What is indicated by vertical amber lines, showing each side of the a wheel number, on the SD?
Brake released fault.
What is indicated by a green / amber arc on the SD?
- The green arc appears on the hottest wheel when one brake temp exceeds 100 degrees.
- Becomes amber, with an ECAM caution, when corresponding brake temperature exceeds 300 degrees.
With HOT indicated, what must be delayed?
- Parking brake, T/O.
- Delay T/O until temperature below 300 degrees without fans, or 150 degrees with fans.
What are the limiting speeds for a) tyres (groundspeed) b) gear up / down selection c) gear locked down d) safety valve operation?
a) 195kts
b) 220 / 250kts
c) 280kts, M.67
d) 260kts
Maximum brake pressure if ANTI-SKID is inoperative?