Rebellions Flashcards
Who was Margret of Burgundy?
The sister of Edward V1 and Richard 111 and dowager duchess of Burgundy
How did Margret of Burgundy have access to funds?
as she was the dowager duchess of Burgundy
What were the 4 rebellions Henry V11 faced?
- Yorkshire Rebellion
- Cornwall rebellion
- Warbeck rebellion
- Lambert Simnel rebellion
Who did Lambert Simnel pretend to be?
the Earl of Warwick
When was Lambert Simnel crowned as King Edward in Ireland?
May 1487
Who put together the Lambert Simnel/Earl of Warwick conspiracy?
John de la Pole, the Earl of Lincoln
How did Henry respond to the Lambert Simnel hoax?
he had the real, imprisoned, Earl of Warwick exhibited in London for all to see
Who persuaded Margret of Burgundy to support Lambert Simnel’s hoax and pay for a force of mercenaries to invade England? (Lambert Simnel rebellion)
Lord Lovell and the Earl of Lincoln
How did Henry V11 take a gamble by reinstating the Earl of Northumberland (Thomas Stanley) to power in the north in order to maintain power in the North which was Richard 111’s power base after word of a rebellion from the Earl of Warwick?
this was because the Earl of Northumberland had led a large portion go Richard 111’s army in the Battle of Bosworth
Where did Henry reinforce coastal defences? (lambert simnel rebellion?)
East Anglia
Where did the rebels which Margret of Burgundy sent land (simnel rebellion)?
They landed on the northwest coast of England in Cumberland and crossed the Pennines
Why did the rebels sent by Margret of Burgundy and the ‘Earl of Warwicks’ forced cross the Pennines after landing on the northwest cost of England in Cumberland?
IN order to drum up support in Richard 111’s old heartland
Where was Richard 111’s old heartland ?
the North Riding of Yorkshire
Who were reluctant to join Lambert Simnels forces against Henry in the North Riding?
the Yorkist gentry
During the Simnel crisis, who was included in the advisors Henry gathered?
close relatives of former Yorkists who had been victims of Richard 111 in the south and Midlands
Who led the army at the Battle of Stoke?
the Earl of Oxford
Who was killed in the Battle of Stoke having crucially been unable to add sufficient followers to the army of mercenaries with which he had landed in England?
Earl of Lincoln
Which battle brought an end to the Wars of the Roses?
Battle of Stoke
Who was Perkin Warbeck?
a cloth trader from Tournai in Flanders
How long did the Perkin Warbeck rebellion last?
8 years
Who did Perkin Warbeck claim to be?
Richard, Duke of York
What did Perkin Warbeck attract from foreign rulers which transformed him from an irritant to a potentially serious threat?
he attracted patronage
What year did Perkin Warbeck begin to impersonate Richard Duke of York in Ireland ?
In what year did Perkin Warbeck flee to the court of Margret of Burgundy where he was trained as a potential Yorkist prince?
When was Perkin Warbeck’s first attempt to land in England?
Why was Warbeck’s first attempt to land in England in 1495 a fiasco?
As Henry had been informed of Warbeck’s intentions by one of his royal agents, Sir Robert Clifford, who had infiltrated Warkbeck’s retinue
Who was Henry’s royal agent who had infiltrated Warbeck’s retinue and informed the king of his first attempt to land in England in 1495?
Sir Robert Clifford
Where did Warbeck flee after his attempt to land in England failed because Sir Robert Clifford infiltrated his retinue and informed the king?
the court of James 1V of Scotland
Who was Perkin Warbeck’s main source in the heart of Henry’s government?
Sir William Stanley (Lord Chamberlain)
Who was Sir William Stanley who conspired with perking Warbeck?
Henry’s step uncle and Lord Chamberlain
In what year did a small Scottish force cross the border on Warbecks behalf but quickly retreated?
Why did James 1V stop alliances with Warbeck?
As he gave in to Henry’s offer of marriage to his daughter Margret
Which rebellion did Warbeck seek to exploit ?
the Cornish Rebellion 1497
When Warbeck was crushed and surrendered to the king, how did Henry V11 initially deal with him?
he let him stay in court confined to the Tower after trying to abscond/
Why were Warbeck and the Earl of Warwick accused of treason and executed?
as they allegedly tried to escape
How old was the Earl of Warwick at the time of the Battle of Bosworth?
10 years old
What year were Warbeck and Warwick executed?
When did Parliament vote for a tax to finance the campaign against James 1V and Perkin Warbeck?
Why did those in Cornwall refuse to pay the tax which would finance the campaign against James 1V and Warbeck?
as the campaign was for the north which was not their domain to pay
How many rebels were there in the Cornwall rebellion?
How many rebels were killed in the Cornwall rebellion?
How many miles had the rebels marched to get to London?
250 miles
Who led the Cornwall rebellion?
Flamank and others
What happened to the leaders such as Flamank after the defeat of the Cornwall rebellion?
They were executed
How many mercenaries did Margret of Burgundy send to help the Lambert Simnel rebellion?
What year was Lambert Simnel (“earl of warwick”) crowned King of Ireland?
What wast the size of Lambert Simnels army which met Henry’s 12,000 man army?
What year was the Yorkshire rebellion?
What sparked the Yorkshire rebellion?
a war between Brittany who wanted to maintain its independence from old France
Why did Henry want to aid Brittany?
- he believed assisting them would benefit ENGLAND
- Duke Francis of Brittany had helped Henry when he was a fugitive
- French control of Brittany would give France of the coast which could impact England’s trade and threaten his dynasty from attack
What was the amount granted by Parliament in extraordinary finance which had to be raised in taxes to fund the war with Britanny which sparked the Yorkshire rebellion?
Why were those in Yorkshire particularly aggrieved by the £100,000 tax to fund the war with Brittany? (3)
- Henry had exempted counties further north from the tax as they were engaging in the defence of Scotland, all except York
- They had suffered a bad harvest the earlier year
- There was already strong resentment against the Lancastrian monarch and his usurpation to the throne
Who but the Yorkshire’s case to the king?
Earl of Northumberland
Who murdered the Earl of Northumberland?
most likely the Sir John Egremont
How much did Henry raise altogether in tax to fund the war in Brittany?
How many men were pardoned and executed after the Yorkshire uprising?
1,500 pardoned
6 executed
What year did Charles V111 receive Perkin Warbeck (Richard, Duke of York) as prince?
When did Henry and Charles sign the Treaty of Etaples which agreed not to shelter rebels ?
When did Henry impose a trade embargo on Philip of Burgundy?
How did Warbeck get Maximilian on his side?
He said that if he died his claim would go to him
Who did Warbeck marry in Scotland?
James’ cousin Lady Catherine Gordon
What truce did James 1V sign with Henry which meant Warbeck had to abscond?
Truce of Ayton