Foreign Policy Flashcards
Who died in 1504?
Isobella of Castille
What was the effect of kildare accepting loyalty to Henry in 1496?
By 1500 Henry achieved some form of piece
Why did Henry support Brittany?
1) obligations to Bretons
2) Direct French control=potential threat to England
When did the Pope grant the king of England “Lord of Ireland”
12th century
What was the Treaty of Redon in February 1489?
Duchess Ann paid a small English amy to defend Brittany
-Henry sent 3,000 instead of 6,000
Brittany was a fiefdom of French Crown, who ruled it?
Duke Francis 11
What were the 2 main terms if Intercurcus Malus?
1) Trade deal gave merchants in the Netherlands a stronger position had it ever been enforced
2) Philip and Maximilian handed over the Earl of Suffolk
What was the Treaty of Medina Del Campo 1489 with Spain? (3)
1) agreed not to harbour rebels or pretenders
2) Marriage between Arthur & Catherine
3) Mutual protection
What was the name of the old alliance between Scotland and France?
‘Auld alliance’
What are the name of the ports in the Netherlands where most of England’s exports went through?
- Antwerp
- Bruges
In the Netherland ports of Antwerp and Bruges, who’s trade was this?
-Jurisdiction of Burgundy
When was the Truce of Ayton
Who was the Truce of Ayton 1497 between?
England and Scotland
Why did relations between England and Burgundy deteriorate?
-From the hospitality which Maximilian and Philip offered Warbeck
Why did the embargo have a negative impact on Henrys popularity ?
Henry sacrificed commercial interests of London and east coast merchants
-this showed he was giving priority to dynastic interests
How much was the French pension in 1492 compared to the actual invasion?
when was the marriage of Arthur and Catherine ?
When was the Magnus Intercursus?
What was the Intercursus Magnus 1496?
a major commercial treaty which restored normal trading links between Burgundy and England and brought trade embargo to an end
Why was there a Intercursus Magnus (1496)
Warbeck left Burgundy
What were the 3 main factors of Henry v11 in foreign policy ?
- National security
- Recognition of dynasty
- Defence of English trade interests
When was the Treaty of Perpetual Peace?
What consolidated the Treaty of Perpetual Peace 1502?
Henrys daughter Margret marriage to James 1V which secured the dynasty
How long was Warbeck at Scottish court?
2 years
While Warbeck was at Scottish Court for 2 years, who did he marry?
James 1V’s cousin Lady Catherine Gordon
Why was the Medina del Campo treaty of 1489 so important to Henrys dynasty?
This gave Henry recognition soon an international stage & provided valuable security from Ferdinand
When was Poynings law?
What was the purpose of Poynings law?
- secure dynasty in Ireland
- Removal of potential Irish rebellion
- All law had to be approved by the English Crown
When was the Treaty of Windsor?
What were the propositions under the Treaty of Windsor? (4)
- Intercursus Malus
- return of Earl of Suffolk
- Henry Accepted Joanna & Philips claim to the throne
- proposed marriage between himself and Philips sister
What were the 2 main problems of Medina del Campo treaty?
Arthur died in 1502, 1 year after marriage
Dowry arguments
Why was Henry taking Philips a mistake?
Philip died and Ferdinand became regent of Castille and so Catherine and Henrys marriage didn’t happen and Henry lost a ally
What was the extent to Henrys power in Ireland regarding territory ?
“Pale” land surrounding Dublin
What did Henry do to regain authority in Ireland?
- Made Prince Henry Lieutenant of Ireland
- Sure Edward Poynings as deputy
Since 1477 who was the dominant figure in Ireland?
Lord Kildare
How did Kildare support Lambert Simnels claim?
Crowned him king of Ireland in 1486
How did Warbecks return to Ireland effect Poynings duty?
Caused besiege in town of Waterford forcing Kildare back in charge
What were Henry’s 3 main reasons for maintaining positive relations with foreign powers?
- national security
- recognition of the Tudor dynasty
- defence of English trading interests
From what years did the hundred years war last?
What year was the Treaty of Redon between England and Brittany?
What year was the Treaty of Medina del Campo between England and Spain?
When year does England invade France?
What year was the magnus intercursus?
What year do Prince Arthur and Catherine of Aragon marry?
What year is the Malus Intercursus?
What was Brittany?
a fiefdom of the French Crown which had enjoyed independence
Who was the fief ruler of Brittany?
Duke Francis 11
Who was Duchess Anne?
Duke Francis 11 (ruler of Brittany)’s daughter and only heir
What was agreed under the Treaty of Redon in 1489 between England and Brittany?
that Duchess Anne would pay a small English Army to defend Brittany from the French threat
How many states did the HRE consist of?
Why did Maximilian,HRE, not want Brittany to be under French control?
as he was contracted a marriage-by-proxy with Duchess Anne, heir of Burgundy
When was the title “Lord of Ireland” granted by the Pope to the King of England?
12th century
Why did Duchess Anne of Burgundy marry Charles 111 of France?
as she feared the futility of prolonged resistance
How was Henry V11’s involvement in the Brittany crisis problematic? (3)
- anger by the French for support of Brittany
- Maximilian lost interest after Anne married Charles
- public discontent through the Yorkshire rebellion
Why did Henry engage in a war with France in 1492 late in the campaign season?
as he had information from his agents that Charles wanted an invasion of Italy and so was more likely to accept to a peace settlement
What did Charles 111 agree to in the Treaty of Etaples 1492? (2)
- that he would withdraw he support for Perkin Warbeck
- he would pay a pension to Henry to compensate him for the expense of having recruited an army of invasion
What were the 2 foreign policy objectives which the trade embargo on trade with Burgundy caused conflict between ?
1) securing the dynasty
2) encouraging trade
Who’s interests did Henry sacrifice when implementing the trade embargo?
-the commercial interests of London and east coast merchants
When were Henry and Philip of Burgundy able to agree to the Intercursus Magnus in 1496?
after Warbeck left Burgundy
After the death of Isabella, Queen of Castille what became Henry’s central foreign policy agenda?
Anglo-Burgundian relations
What was the intercursus Malus?
a trade agreement from 1506 which never became fully operative and the following year relations had been restored on the basis of Intercursus Magnus
After the death of Arthur in 1502, why was Ferdinand reluctant to marry Catherine to Henry?
as a papal dispensation would need to be required at a price
Why did Henry lose enthusiasm for the marriage between Catherine and Henry in 1504?
due to the death of Isabella which made Ferdinand a less significant political figure
What happened when Juana (Isabella of Castilles sister) and Philip of Burgundy set sail for Spain in 1506?
They were forced to take refugee in England when their ship was wrecked at sea
How did Henry take advantage of the situation between Philip and Ferdinand?
He proposed the Treaty of Windsor which secured a stronger relationship with Juana and Philip
Who was Philip of Burgundys sister who Henry sought to marry under the Treaty of Windsor?
Archduchess Margaret
Why was Henry left diplomatically isolated after the death of Philip of burgundy soon after the Treaty of Windsor?
as Ferdinand used the fact Juana had gone mad to become regent of Castile
What did Ferdinand do to punish Henry V11 for supporting Juana and Philip?
He ensured that the marriage between Henry and Catherine would not take place under Henry V11’s lifetime
What year had King James 1V offered Warbeck hospitality for 2 years at Scottish court?
Who did James 1V marry to Warbeck?
his cousin, Lady Catherine Gordon
What peace treaty sanctioned the marriage between James 1V and Henrys daughter Margret?
the Treaty of Perpetual Peace in 1502
When did Kildare crown Lambert Simnel king of Ireland?
Who did Henry appoint as Lieutenant of Ireland?
his infant son Prince Henry
What was Poynings law?
that the Irish Parliament could pass no law without prior approval of the English Crown
Which town was besieged when Warbeck returned to Ireland in 1495?
Why did Henry have to depend on the cheap option of using Kildare as his deputy?
due to the threat of Scottish invasion and so was forced to recall Poynings
What what year had Henry eventually secured peaceable relations with Ireland?