Rebars And Concrete Flashcards
This is the most common type of rebar and is sometimes referred to as a “black bar.”
Carbon Steel Bar
It is incredibly versatile, but it corrodes more easily than other types, making it less than ideal in areas that are subject to high humidity or in structures frequently exposed to water.
Carbon Steel Bar
It is made from a series of steel wires arranged at right angles and electrically welded at all steel wire crossings.
Welded wire fabric
It is useful in slab-on-ground slabs where the ground has been well compacted. A heavier fabrication of welded wire fabric can be used in walls and structural floor slabs.
Welded wire fabric
This is commonly used in road pavement, box culverts, drainage structures, and small concrete canals.
Welded wire fabric
This rebars are simply rebars coated with a thin epoxy coat. This makes them up to 1,700 more times resistant to corrosion than standard carbon steel
rebars. As a result, they are often used in areas in contact with saltwater or where a corrosion problem is imminent.
Epoxy- Coated rebars
A particular concern with epoxy-coated rebars is that they can suffer severe _______ where the epoxy is damaged since all the corrosion is concentrated at that one spot.
This rebars are 40 times more
resistant to corrosion than carbon steel
rebars, and they are much harder to
damage than epoxy-coated rebars. This
makes it an excellent alternative to epoxy-coated rebars if you need something less likely to corrode.
Galvanized Rebar
Galvanized rebar is about _____% more
expensive than epoxy-coated rebar.
It is commonly used in floor slabs, stairs, and roof construction.
Sheet-Metal Reinforcing Bars
It is composed of annealed sheet steel pieces bent into corrugations of about one-sixteenth of an inch deep with holes punched at regular spacing.
Sheet-Metal Reinforcing Bars
The advantage of European rebar is
its ________.
low cost
European rebar is made
primarily of________, which makes
it cheap and easy to bend.
This flexibility makes European rebar
easy to work with in the field, but it is
generally not recommended for use in
areas that experience________ nor
for projects that require substantial
structural integrity from its rebar
It is quite expensive -about eight times the price of epoxy-coated rebar. It is also the best rebar available for most projects. However, using stainless steel in all but the most unique of circumstances is often overkill.
Stainless Steel Rebar
stainless steel rebars are______ times
more resistant to corrosion than black
bars. Stainless steel rebars can also be
bent in the field, which is very convenient.
This rebars will not corrode — ever, under any conditions.
You’ll pay dearly for that, however.
These rebars can run ten times the
cost of epoxy-coated rebars.
(GFRP) Rebar
Composition of concrete
- cement
- water
- fine aggregate
- coarse aggregate
- chemical admixtures
- mineral admixtures
Methods for mixing concrete
- hand mixing of concrete
- machine mixing
- ready mix concrete