Realtionships Flashcards
God creates new life through sex.
There is more intensity in the self giving when open to new life.
When a married person has sex with someone who is not their husband or wife.
Faithfulness and adultery
All Christians think adultery is wrong
It breaks the vows to stay faithful to each other
It is forbidden in the ten commandments
In the bible Jesus says adultery is wrong
It is an act of betrayal, it causes great hurt
It can make the innocent partner feel rejected and a failure
It destroys trust and bringing tension
The four features of catholic marriage (SPEL)
Sacrament (god is part of the marriage) Permanent (life-long) Exclusive(faithful) Life-giving (to have children) (SPEL)
Theology of the body
God created human beings as male and female. Both sexes have inherent dignity and value.
God established marriage to bring two people together as a form of communion of persons.
Through sex, the couple show that they for live each other in mutual love and respect.
Key terms in theology of the body
Nuptial: to do with a marriage
Communion: sharing together
Extramarital: occurring outside marriage
Contraception-catholic attitudes
Artificial contraception is wrong
It goes against the command to ‘be fruitful and multiply’
It goes against the purposes of marriage - unity and procreation
It goes against the ‘sanctity of life’ (the idea that life is holy - precious gift from God)
Key terms-contraception
Artificial contraception: unnatural methods used to prevent pregnancy e.g condoms
Family planning: controlling how many children couples have and when they have them
Catholic views on divorce-key terms
Marriage: the legal union of two people
Divorce: the legal ending of a marriage
The catholic church does not recognise divorce because marriage is a sacrament-the promise made before God cannot be broken.
The covenant between the couple is everlasting.
When a divorced person marries a new partner
Sex should be within marriage not outside of the marriage.
Bonding the husband and wife together.
Divorce and annulment
The catholic church does not recognise divorce, but they may grant an annulment-a statement that no valid marriage has taken place, for any one of the following reasons:
One or both parties did not understand the vows
One or both were forced to marry
One or both never intended to have a child
The marriage was not consummated (they did not have sex)
Lies were told or truths were kept hidden
Church of England Divorce and annulment
The church of england does not offer annulments because they accept divorce, no need for an annulment.
The church of england usually allows remarriage because it is a sign of Gods forgiveness and willingness to give people a new start.
Natural family planning(NFP)
Catholics allow natural family planning
This is when couples have sex only when the woman is at the least fertile time of the month-so as to avoid pregnancy
The possibility of pregnancy remains (if this is what God plans)
Fertile means able to have babies/reproduce.
Other Christian attitudes
All other christians believe that most forms of contraception are acceptable
They believe that contraception is a responsible way of family planning
They believe God created sex for uniting/bonding couples-not just pro-creating