Realism Theories Flashcards
Left Realists
left realists are reformist socialists, they want to improve society.
left wing,
promote equality,
like marxists, they are reformists
Right Realists
right realists share a conservative, New right political outlook.
right wing
support zero tolerance stance on crime,
very influential in USA & UK,
reject structural factors like poverty
why do RR believe crime happens?
first explanation:
Biological differences - Wilson & Hernstein argue crime is caused by a combination of social and biological factors.
biological traits make some people predisposed to crime, e.g. heightened aggression.
Biological Differences AO3:
(support) right realism
second explanation:
Inadequate Socialisation - according to Murray, the nuclear family is being undermined by the welfare state which is a perverse incentive to encourage SPFs.
those part of the underclass fail to socialise their children into shared norms and values - leading to more SPFs.
Inadequate Socialisation AO3:
ignores wider structural factors of crime such as the unequal distribution of power and wealth.
Feminists would argue that this reinforces patriarchy and women
third explanation:
Clarke assumes individuals are rational beings with free will. deciding to commit crime is a choice based on a rational calculation of the risk and the reward.
the crime rate is high because the cost is low.
Rational Choice Theory AO3:
It overstates the offenders’ rationality and how they make cost benefit calculations before committing a crime.
does not explain violent crime.
Felsons routine activity theory (RR):
for crime to occur, there must be a motivated offender, a suitable target and the absence of a capable guardian.
Felson’s routine activity theory AO3:
RR explanations for crime are contradictory - how can someone be a rational actor choosing to commit crime yet have thier behaviour determied
ZTP - Broken Windows (RR solution)
Wilson and Kellings argue we should keep neighbourhoods neat and tidy to prevent crime. No deviance will be tolerated - it will instantly be removed from local communities. This targets people involved in low level crimes.
This should reduce crime activity and deviant behaviour.
This approach worked jn New York in the late 80s and successfully reduced low level and professional crime.
ZTP - broken windows AO3:
Labelling theorists argue that local communities and people are targeted due to typifications the police have about these groups. This can be seen from official statistics which show black males being 7 times more likely to be stopped and searched.
Zero tolerance policing
Police should control the r streets so law abiding citizens feel safe.
Zero tolerance policing AO3:
Marxists argue this focuses on more low level petty ‘street crimes’ . The police are selectively enforcing WC and punishing them only.
Target Hardening
Making the consequence much higher for all crime to prevent crime as people are less Motivated to commit the crime.