Neo Marxism Flashcards
what are neo-Marxists referred to as?
critical criminologists
what approach do they take?
they adopt a voluntaristic approach, WC choose their behavior. some of them fight back against the oppression.
Crime is conscious choice with a political movement.
which three neo-Marxists worked together to create the six theories of explaining deviance?
Taylor, Walton and Young
wider parts of the deviant act:
crime doesn’t just happen out of the blue. crime in a capitalist society is related to wider structural factors e.g. social inequality.
the immediate parts of the deviant act:
explaining how a person decides to commit a crime. people are rational, for a poor person it could be related to poverty, for a rich person it could be related to power.
the act itself:
why did they decide to commit this crime?
was it rebellion against capitalism?
what does this mean for the person?
the immediate parts of social reaction:
the reaction of those around the deviant act.
the wider parts of the social reaction:
the western media can spin the story anyway they like.
this point explains who has the power to define actions as deviant and to label others in a capitalist society.
the effect of labelling on the deviants future actions:
how this person reacts to the social reaction of tier crime.
will they conform? will they rebel?