Realism Flashcards
New Right, underclass
Murray (1990)
who founded right realism, broken windows theory
James Q Wilson (1982)
who criticizes right realism for only looking at working class crime
Platt and Takagi (1977)
who founded left realism
lea and young 1984
who did the study into city zones and patterns of victimisation
shaw and mckay 1931
are marixsts left or right
are functionalists left or right
what do leas ad young say the cause of crime is
relative deprivation, marginalisation and subcultures
is the square of crime left or right realist
left realist
what is the square of crime
it shows how the state, offender, society and victim are all linked
7 evaluation points of left realism
+ the new labour government used left realist approaches between 1997 and 2010
+ they look at how crime affects the less powerful groups
x marxists say they ignore crimes of the powerful
x marxists say they ignore the real cause of crime- the capatalist system
x focus more on the victim than the offender
x they believe there are deviants and non deviants but mazda thinks everyone is a deviant
x doesn’t explain murder and rape well but does explain theft
what do left realists say the solution to crime is
- reduce poverty and inequality
- increase benefits and minimum wage
- media and education
- create job opportunities
- youth clubs
- community based solutions
- cctv
- more ethnic moniority policeman so more representative
- community service
- community centres
- more community officers to build up a relationship
what do right relaists say about crime
the small incivilities should be stopped through zero tolerence and harsh punishmnets so it doesn’t flourish
what do right realists say causes crime
- lone parent families
- murray - poor social control and socialisation (bred to be criminals)
- clarke (1980 rational choice theory - the wc dont have much to lose)
- biological differences
what are the right realist solutions to crime
- spikes on fences, metal benches, electrobic tags
- neighbourhood policing
- zero tolerence policing
- harsher ounishmanets
usa 3 strikes
- more policing of areas
- involve the local community in dealing with incivilities